Kali Linux 2023.2 released: New tools, a pre-built Hyper-V image, a new audio stack, and more!

Offensive Security has released Kali Linux 2023.2, the latest version of its popular penetration testing and digital forensics platform.

New tools in Kali Linux 2023.2

Aside from updates for existing tools, a new Kali version usually comes with new tools. This time around it’s:

  • Cilium-cli – For installing and managing Kubernetes clusters
  • Cosign – For signing containers
  • Eksctl – A CLI for Amazon EKS (managed Kubernetes service)
  • Evilginx – A standalone MITM attack framework for grabbing login credentials and session cookies (to bypass of 2-factor authentication)
  • GoPhish – An open-source phishing toolkit
  • Humble – A security-oriented analyzer for HTTP headers
  • Slim(toolkit) – Open-source toolking for making container images smaller
  • Syft – Generates software bill of materials (SBOM) from container images and filesystems
  • Terraform – Open-source infrastructure as code tool
  • Tetragon – eBPF-based security observability and runtime enforcement tool
  • TheHive – A scalable security incident response platform
  • Trivy – A tool for unearthing vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, secrets, SBOM in containers, Kubernetes, code repositories, clouds, etc.
  • Wsgidav – Extendable WebDAV server based on WSGI

What else is new?

Kali now also comes as a pre-built VM image for Microsoft Hyper-V (there are also images for VMware, VirtualBox, and Qemu).

Visually, Kali Linux 2023.2 delivers several changes:

  • The Kali i3 desktop – a tiling (non-overlapping frames) window manager for advanced users – has been redone
  • Improved existing icons and added new ones, improved Kali menu

There’s also:

  • A new audio stack for Kali’s default desktop (PipeWire)
  • A new extension for the Xfce File Manager (GtkHash) that allows users to quickly compute checksums (instead of doing it in the terminal)
  • A new version of the GNOME desktop environment (v44)
  • A new tiling extension for Kali’s GNOME Shell desktop

Download Kali Linux 2023.2

Kali Linux 2023.2 can be downloaded or you can update your existing installation to this version.

Check out Offensive Security’s blog post for more details about the new release.

More Kali Linux content to check out:

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