Launching new domains view and enhanced policies

We’ve recently announced a new Domains page and major improvements to existing capabilities for setting custom attack surface policies. These updates bring unprecedented control over attack surface data and enable organizations to seamlessly configure alerts for policy breaches based on their unique definition of risk, a feature unmatched by any other player in the EASM space. Read the full press release here.

With the new Domains page and the major improvements to Attack Surface Policies, customers can benefit from:

Their complete attack surface, at a glance: The new Domains page provides a complete view of all monitored domains within the attack surface with continuously attributed data to each domain, consisting of IPs, cloud providers, and even fingerprinted technologies over a period of time.

Users can now seamlessly set custom policies on a variety of new characteristics, like being alerted when a specific cloud provider is present on a set of domains. We’re excited to empower security teams with even greater control over their attack surface data.

– Danwei Tran Luciani, Detectify VP of Product

Risk management that reflects their business context: Among security teams’ jobs is the need to remain informed about the evolution of their attack surface, identify exposed elements, and pinpoint specific assets affected by exposure according to their unique risk definition. The new Domains page enables users to assess potential exposure risks and set security policies based on completely new characteristics.

Customizable attack surface data based on their workflows: Security teams require continuous monitoring of exposures to take action on those issues in future occurrences. Customers can now directly create customized policies for their attack surface data through the new Domains page when spotting anomalies. This innovative workflow allows them to set up alerts for breaches aligned with their specific risk definitions, a capability not offered by any other EASM product.

Questions? Contact [email protected] or book a demo to learn more.

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