Linux Malware Attacking Apache, Docker, Redis & Confluence

A sophisticated malware campaign targeting servers running popular web-facing services such as Apache Hadoop YARN, Docker, Confluence, and Redis has been identified.

This campaign is notable for using unique and previously unreported payloads, including four Golang binaries designed to automate the discovery and infection of vulnerable hosts.

The attackers deploy advanced techniques to exploit common misconfigurations and known vulnerabilities, such as CVE-2022-26134 in Confluence, to execute remote code and gain initial access to the servers.

Following this, they utilize shell scripts and Linux attack methodologies to deliver a cryptocurrency miner, establish a reverse shell, and ensure persistent access to the compromised systems.

Initial Access and Exploitation

The campaign was first uncovered following suspicious activity on a Docker Engine API honeypot.


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The attackers issued commands to spawn a new container using the Alpine Linux image, creating a bind mount to access the host’s root directory.

This technique is a common tactic in Docker attacks. It allows the attacker to write files directly to the host and execute remote code via Cron jobs.

Wireshark output demonstrating Docker communication, including Initial Access commands

Researchers from Cado Security Labs have just discovered a growing malware campaign that targets systems that have been misconfigured.

Payload Delivery and Persistence

The primary payload is identified as cronb. sh, a shell script that prepares the system for further compromise by disabling security measures, deleting shell history, and installing user-mode rootkits like libprocesshider and diamorphine to hide malicious processes.

Additionally, the malware attempts to spread itself to other hosts by discovering SSH keys and executing remote commands.

The malware is particularly interested in cloud environments, with specific code designed to weaken systems and uninstall monitoring agents for Alibaba Cloud and Tencent.

This suggests a strategic focus on infiltrating and exploiting cloud-based infrastructure, a trend observed by threat actors such as WatchDog in previous campaigns.

Defense and Mitigation

The emergence of this campaign underscores the importance of securing web-facing services against known vulnerabilities and misconfiguration.

Organizations are advised to regularly update their software, monitor suspicious activity, and employ robust security measures to defend against such sophisticated attacks.

This new malware campaign represents a threat to servers running Apache, Docker, Redis, and Confluence, leveraging advanced techniques for exploitation, persistence, and lateral movement.

As the cyber threat landscape evolves, staying informed and vigilant is key to protecting valuable digital assets and infrastructure.


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