LockBit Hiring: Releases Post For Testers

One of the most malicious cybercriminal groups LockBit, was found sharing a recruitment post on its website on the dark web. The LockBit Hiring statement read that it was seeking a specialist tester to ‘find errors’ in the products and programs.

The ransomware gang had recently tried its hand at hacking macOS products and this LockBit hiring post might be a part of their ongoing plans to elevate that. The group used the locker_Apple_M1_64 malware to expand its reach to the nearly impenetrable macOS.

LockBit Hiring Drive
Screenshot of the translated recruitment post


The translated LockBit Hiring drive post from the Russian language further read, “The tester simulates various situations that may arise during the use of the test item so that developers can correct the detected errors.”

LockBit Recruitment Drive
Russian language post seeking candidates

LockBit Hiring Post for a specialist tester

The LockBit hiring drive for a tester asked for a logical thinker who was attentive with a good memory. LockBit is seeking affiliates who can adapt and switch between various tasks.

LockBit has targeted almost every sector across the globe making it a global security threat for network defenders. The Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency has also released the #StopRansomware: LockBit 3.0 advisory in collaboration with the FBI and the MS-ISAC to combat LockBit’s cybercrimes.

LockBit looking for offensive cybercriminals

The LockBit tester requirements sought someone who can ‘act both as a user and an expert,’ someone who can think both ways, so they can create malware and mechanism that can both attack and evade detection.

It is urged on the part of the defenders of security to work a step beyond cybercriminals who are seeking developers who were able to ‘reproduce the behavior of the user of the product’ and ‘analyze the behavior of the system.’

This LockBit hiring drive focused on building a team that would work as a double-edged sword for their malignant plans. They seem focused on creating more sophisticated malware and launching better social engineering attacks on the already victimized and aware targets.

Ransomware groups have a constant fear of being caught and not making any money in the end despite launching successful attacks. Hence, they are looking to hire petty criminals or developers who ‘lack other work’ and yet have skills to cater to their ongoing needs to keep afloat.

Other requirements posted in the LockBit hiring drive post were that they needed someone with the knowledge of English, available 24/7, lacked a personal life, and was able to work with a bug tracking system. A pay of 1000 dollars was offered per month.

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