LulzSec Muslims Resumes Their Cyberattack On UAE And Bahrain

LulzSec Muslims have declared their intent to resume their cyber offensive, launching a cyberattack on United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

The group, known for its previous cyber exploits against nations like Israel and India, recently made the announcement via their X (previously Twitter) account.

In a video message characterized by a distorted voice, the group identified themselves as “LulzSec Muslims” and reiterated their commitment to supporting oppressed communities globally.

Citing perceived support for Israel by the UAE and Bahrain, the group outlined their rationale for the impending cyber onslaught.

LulzSec Muslims Declare Cyberattack on UAE and Bahrain

LulzSec Muslims cyberattack on UAE and Bahrain
Source: ThreatMon on X

The video highlighted the alleged facilitation of logistical and military support to Israel by the UAE and Bahrain, which LulzSec Muslims deemed as complicity in oppression.

Threatening to target servers and websites affiliated with both nations, the group warned of cyberattack on United Arab Emirates and Bahrain aimed at disrupting their online infrastructure.

LulzSec Muslims Declare Cyberattack on UAE and Bahrain
Source: LulzSec on X

“Hello, free people of the world. We are LulzSec Muslims. We founded our team on lofty principles to support the oppressed and the weak in this world. We are fighting with our friends the force of evil led by the Zionist entity, which is sill practicing genocide on the people of Gaza in a war of extermination for all….. Steady and moving for the fourth month and yet there are those who support his occupation in malicious ways”, says the video announcement.

While bashing UAE and Bahrain for supporting Israel, the threat actor further added, “We have monitored the clear support provided by the United Arab Emirates and the State of Bahrain to Israel facilitating the transit of goods and material, logistical and military support.

We have many documents to prove this and from on this platform we announce that the servers and websites of the UAE and Bahrain will be the target of our upcoming operations and may I excuse those who warn.” 

LulzSec Muslims Recent Attacks

LulzSec Recent Attacks
Source: Daily Dark Web

This announcement comes on the heels of a reported Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack on Sharjah International Airport attributed to LulzSec Muslims.

The attack, which temporarily affected the airport’s website, underscores the group’s capability to carry out disruptive cyber activities.

Furthermore, recent posts by LulzSec Muslims on various platforms suggest a sustained campaign against entities perceived as supporting Israel.

These include claims of hacking Indian websites and the compromise of databases containing sensitive user information.

In one instance, the group boasted of accessing data from an Indian health and fitness website, compromising the personal details of over 400,000 users.

Additionally, LulzSec Muslims claimed responsibility for breaching the Banaras Hindu University’s database, citing India’s support for Israel as the motive behind the cyber intrusion.

This is an ongoing story and The Cyber Express will be closely monitoring the situation. We’ll update this post once we have more information on the claims of a cyberattack on the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain or new announcements by the threat actor. 

Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

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