Major improvements to integrations – Blog Detectify

Resolving vulnerabilities quickly depends on several factors, not least how effectively security and product development teams collaborate. Modern security teams rely on several tools to discover, analyze, and triage vulnerability findings on to product development teams for remediation. This process sounds straightforward, but it rarely is..

Customizable integrations for today’s security team 

Detectify users manage the security of large scale products and services owned by dozens – if not hundreds – of product development teams. The security teams we work with need high quality vulnerability data to seamlessly integrate into pre-existing workflows to remain as secure as possible

That’s why we’re excited to launch our new integrations platform so users can further integrate Detectify into their workflows to accelerate remediation.

Want to check out a demo of how integrations work at Detectify? Our Product Management team demoed our new integrations platform in our latest release video

More effective triaging of vulnerability findings

We know that security teams use several tools to secure their rapidly expanding  attack surface. Until now, we offered integrations to commonly used tools like Jira and Slack, to list a few. However, with this release, we’re significantly expanding our integration capabilities with many options for security teams that want to centralize their vulnerability findings in one place, such as through a vulnerability management (VM) platform. 

The most powerful feature of our new integrations platform is the flexibility it allows users to customize how they work with vulnerability data which helps security teams reduce noise and remediate faster. For example, you may have an internal security policy that ensures certain vulnerability types are resolved within a few hours. With our new integrations platform, this is now possible.

Users can also integrate into communication and collaboration tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams (just to list a few) to get updates about the status of scans through Application Scanning.

More to come from integrations

With this initial release of our new integrations platform, we hope to solve some of the most challenging aspects of quicker vulnerability remediation. However, we’re just getting started. If you’re a Detectify customer (or interested in getting a demo of our product), get in touch with your CSM or through Customer Support to try out the new integrations or share any feedback.

You can learn more about creating a new integration by visiting our knowledge base. We’ve also answered some commonly asked questions about our new integrations platform here.

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