Meet Detectify! – Detectify Blog

Our schedule for the autumn and winter is quickly filling up and we’re looking forward to all the awesome events we’ll be attending! In this blog post, you can find our events diary for the next few months, so make sure to swing by, say hello, and grab some stickers. If you’d like to schedule a meeting and have a chat with us at any of these events, just drop us a line at hello[at] or reach out to us on Twitter.



Our knowledge advisor Frans Rosén will talk about security best practices at Nordic.js, a JavaScript conference in Stockholm, giving the audience a hands-on toolkit on how to integrate security in your everyday workflow, mixed with thrilling examples of his own security findings and bug bounty stories.

Date and time: September 8, 14.00-14.30
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Twitter: @nordicjs

Guest lecture for IT security students at Iftac

Invitation only! We can’t wait to visit Iftac, a school in Hudiksvall, and meet IT security students! Frans Rosén is going to give a talk and share his knowledge with students studying to become IT security professionals.

Date and time: September 15, 10.00-12.00
Location: Iftac, Hudiksvall

Workshop: Web security for startups – Go hack yourself or someone else will

Attackers frequently target vulnerabilities, then find websites that have them – they are not always looking to hack specific companies. This talk will show you what everyday security mistakes developers usually make and how you can use automation to stay on top of security. We will also include a short Detectify demo and hold a Q&A session about the tool, web security and the hacker community. Join us to find out how security can be fun, easy and automated – so that you do not need to spend all your time worrying about it.

Date and time: September 21, 11.30-13.00
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Twitter: @sup46


Breakfast seminar: White hat hacking for the CIO – How do hackers think?

What should you do in order to protect yourself online, and what are the most common mistakes? Basefarm and Detectify invite you to a joint breakfast seminar in central Stockholm. One of the highest ranked hackers in the world will be telling his story, explaining the much talked about hacker culture and describing the most critical security bugs he has encountered during his career as a bug hunter. Michael Pettersson, responsible for IT security at Bonnier News, will also be sharing how they’re working on security.

Date and time: October 5, 8.00-9.30
Location: SUP46
Sign up: Basefarm


Frans Rosén will guide you through web security best practices that will help you start working proactively with security. Frans will explain how companies can benefit from independent security researchers and ethical hacking – the people you will never be able to recruit to a regular 9 to 5 job.



Date and time: October 18-19, time TBA
Location: Bergen, Norway
Twitter: @SikkSymp


Code Europe 

In December, Frans Rosén will speak at Poland’s biggest conference for programmers. Watch this space!

Date and time: December 5,  time TBA
Location: Krakow, Poland

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