Meet the Federal Government Finalists in the 2023 iTnews Benchmark Awards – Benchmarking Change

The finalists for Best Federal Government Project, sponsored by NRI, showcase the crucial role of IT in improving the operations of government agencies and departments.

The three finalists in this category, Australian Taxation Office’s Project Leap, the Department of Home Affairs’ National Joint Common Operating Picture project (NJCOP), and Services Australia’s online claiming system, demonstrate the critical role of IT in making government operations more efficient, effective, and responsive to citizens’ needs.

  • Project Leap from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is a core technology modernisation initiative aimed at enhancing the security, resilience, performance, and agility of the organisation’s platforms and systems.
  • The Department of Home Affairs’ NJCOP project was initiated in response to the Royal Commission into National Disaster Arrangements and aims to provide a comprehensive view of all hazards across Australia in near-real-time for better situational awareness and decision-making.
  • Services Australia’s online claiming system for disaster recovery payments has improved access to government support for citizens during times of need.

The finalists are commended for their innovative use of technology to deliver better services to the public, and their shortlisting for the iTnews Benchmark Awards is a testament to their achievements.

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