MyCena Improves Customer Data Access Protection in Call Centers and BPOs

MyCena Security Solutions today announced the addition of a new feature to its MyCena Desk Center (MDC) platform, designed to stop credentials theft, fraud and social engineering in call centers, Business Process Outsourcing (BPOs) and customer service centers.

Customer service operations are a prime target for cybercriminals because they open the doors to millions of customers’ data.

Currently managers at call centers, BPOs and customer service centers give agents their passwords in clear text. The problem is once agents know the passwords, the organization no longer controls the life of those passwords, and these can be shared, sold, lost, social-engineered or phished without them knowing.

MyCena’s new solution addresses this challenge, as it removes security from the hands of employees and places it back in the hands of business leaders – where it belongs. MyCena’s latest feature allows operation managers to generate, manage and distribute encrypted passwords to all their agents, without the agents ever seeing, typing or knowing any of their passwords.

The solution makes targeting agents irrelevant for scammers, phishers and criminals. As agents no longer see or know the passwords to access data, they cannot write, type or share them by mistake or by intent, which significantly strengthens cybersecurity and data protection at the customer service center.

MyCena was the first cybersecurity company to identify the two key logic errors companies make internally that started the cycle of data breaches. First, companies allow each employee to make their own passwords to access their systems and data. Having given away control of access, they don’t know when passwords are phished, social engineered, shared, sold or reused in personal accounts. The majority of breaches – over 82% – use employees’ login credentials. That means 4 out of 5 breaches aren’t recognised as external threats by threat intelligence and detection tools, so they are completely missed.

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