MyCena Strengthens Payment Cards Storage And Access Security In Card Processing Businesses To Reduce Fraud

Access Segmentation and Encryption Management (ASEM) specialists, MyCena Security Solutions, has announced new features to its MyCena Desk Center (MDC) platform, designed to reduce payment card fraud at organizations processing financial transactions on behalf of customers.

Organizations like retailers, travel agencies or buying offices, store payment card information for their customers in order to make payments on their behalf. But when it comes to storing the financial data of their customers, lists of payment card information are often stored in Excel spreadsheets or on paper, where sensitive card details are kept in plain text accessible to all employees. This is a leading cause of fraud, as companies cannot know when and by whom the customer payment card information may have been stolen and used by to make unauthorized financial transactions. This is leading cause of disputes and penalties between card processing companies and their customers.

Requested and co-designed with its own customers to help address this massive fraud problem, MyCena has developed and released a new payment card feature on its MyCena Desk Center platform to store each payment card separately and make it only accessible by employees from a controlled multi-layered security fortress.

Without any infrastructure change, companies can upload all payments cards to the MyCena console. Card information is stored encrypted but accessible for the employees who need them for a transaction. Instead of accessing a file with all payment cards stored in clear text in one place, employees open their MyCena Desk Center application, a multi-layered (Bronze, Silver or Gold) secure digital fortress, look for the card they need by individual company code or name, and click on it to access its details. Employees then use the copy and paste commands to fill in the transaction, purchase or booking form.

“Everyone knows that financial information is the primary target for criminals, so securing this information is critical to any business that stores customer payment card details. Using MyCena’s unique and easy-to-use system, the organization can now control who has access to which cards, and control which payment card has been accessed by whom, and when. When an employee needs to process a payment, they enter their MyCena fortress application, look for the specific customer card and use the details to make the transaction. It is so easy but represents a major improvement in card processing security, control and auditing,” said Julia O’Toole, CEO of MyCena Security Solutions.

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