Nahamsec interviews Filedescriptor

Note that during these interviews I also moderate thus quality may vary.

Profile 🐝

  • Bachelors degree computer science
  • Works at X as a pentester
  • Started bug bounties in 2014
    • First bug was N/A
    • 2015 take a look at Twitter
      • Didn’t take long to find an issue but thought it wasn’t one
      • Received $700 bounty = “simple” bug

Journey 🐝

  • Elementary school
  • Didn’t have a mentor
    • Doesn’t want to owe anyone
    • Finds it hard to ask for help
    • Wants to do it on his own
    • Ditched this mindset
      • It’s the community that matters
        • You take stuff and give back
      • Cannot keep up on your own

Certification 🐝

  • Doesn’t have cert
  • Doesn’t think cert is necessary

Programming 🐝

  • Useful in the long run
  • Required for more advanced bugs
  • Sometimes you have to make your own script/tool for a unique use-case
  • Javascript is recommended
    • Electron
    • Node.js
    • Postmessage

Not required for 🐝

  • IDOR
  • Logical flaws
  • Authentication bypass

Tools 🐝

  • Not a fan of tools
  • Likes to do things manual and get a deep understanding
  • Uses fiddler

Reconless 🐝

  • filedescriptor, Ron Chan, and EdOverflow
  • Wasn’t a lot of reconless content out there for bug bounty
  • Original HackerOne videos were boring
  • Felt he was ready to make educational content
  • Clickjacking blog post got a lot of upvotes on HackerNews

Bug bounties 🐝

  • Doesn’t do bug bounties a lot unless it’s a live event
  • Highly competitive
  • Repetitive as his job is pen testing
  • Enjoys collaboration as he can focus solely on the hacking part

mindset 🐝

  • Never give up
    • wrong: if you fail a lot you start thinking that you cannot find any bugs
  • Imposter syndrome
    • He deals with it a lot
    • Want to prove yourself
    • Start comparing yourself to people that post write-ups of difficult bugs
  • Burn out
    • Still burned out
      • Enjoys technical aspect, bypasses etc.
  • Proponent of hack to learn
    • During the process you learn the most

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