Nahamsec interviews Jason Haddix – securibee


Note that during these interviews I also moderate so quality may vary.


Very active, always giving back, and spearheaded Bugcrowd university

His BBHM was my intro to recon. It was invaluable and made me fall in love with it.

  • 2005 Started hacking
  • 2009 Vulnerability Assessment → Pentester at Redspin
  • 2010 HP Pentest – on forefront of mobile
  • 2014 Bugcrowd leaderboard #1 or #2, battle with bitcork
  • 2016 Head of Trust and Security at Bugcrowd
  • Head of Security and Risk Management at Ubisoft

How to shot web origin

  • Having a methodology is always better
  • A checklist prevents you from missing/overlooking things

Recon methodology

  1. Check out scope for project
    • Check clauses in scope, e.g. Tesla even if not in scope tell us.
  2. Amass, Subfinder, MassDNS
  3. GitHub dork while tools above are running
  4. Look at acquisitions last 3 years
    1. Chrunchbase
  5. … Re-watch stream

The go-to VPS for bug bounty hunters. I use it for all of my own recon and automation needs, plus it also doubles as a VPN. They have every cloud resource you need at an affordable price.

  • Aquatone
  • Amass
  • Nmap
  • Burp
  • turbo intruder
    • faster than any other
    • not recursive
    • lacking capabilities vs CLI
  • Masscan


  • If invite is brand I know it sparks my interest
  • Put on EDM
  • Make sure tools are updated


  • Twitter
  • Put fuzzing strings, links into Evernote under each Bug Type
  • Google


  • Jason Haddix – How to Shot Web: Web and mobile hacking in 2015
  • Methodology 1, 2 and 3
  • Pentesterlab
  • Hacker101
  • Bugcrowd University
  • OWASP vulnerable machines collection


  • Web applications handbook
  • Test new tools on VDP with wildcard scopes


  • You don’t need to know how to code
  • Coding ≠ finding bugs
  • Programming ≠ scripting
  • Know basics, e.g. html, js etc

Wish he knew

  • Report write up is more important than the bug itself
    • Assume you’re writing it for someone who doesn’t know anything
    • What is the impact for the company in specific?
      • Make templates for each bug type being contextual risk for a company
        • Data disclosure
        • Explain how you found the bug
  • Take a video or screenshot showing the exploitation of the bug
  • Automation, know what to automate


  • All distributed
  • Less heavy handed approach
  • More in the hands of hackers

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