New feature – You can now add team members to your account

Security is not a one-man show. That’s why you can now add new users to your Detectify account and share the scan results with your team members. Your account gets automatically turned into an Team account as soon as you invite your first team member.

Here’s how you set it up: 

1. Click on Team in the Dashboard sidebar.
2. Select Add Team Members
3. Enter your team member’s email address and they will receive an instant email with instructions on how to proceed.

As a team administrator, you are now able to grant users two different kinds of access rights per domain. Read how you set up the team permissions here. 

If you have not tried out our integrations yet, have a look at the possible ways to share the scan results with your teammates. Here’s a list of all our integrations.

Happy scanning!
//The Detectify Team

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