NoName Ransomware Gang Launches Cyber Attack On Poland

The NoName ransomware gang launched a cyber attack on Poland.

In their claims, the target list included three Polish websites. Among the victims were PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe, the custodians of Poland’s railway infrastructure, Plus Bank, a financial institution catering to diverse banking needs, and the Warsaw Metro, the lifeline of Poland’s capital city.

To learn more about this alleged cyber attack on Poland, The Cyber Express reached out to the Warsaw Metro. However, at the time of writing, no official response or statement was received.

Since the Warsaw Metro’s official response remained elusive, the threat actor’s claims about this cyber attack on Poland remain unverified. 

The other two victims, PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe and Plus Bank were rendered unreachable and bereft of communication as the websites of both organizations were unreachable. 

Cyber attack on Poland: NoName Ransomware strikes critical sectors 

cyber attack on Poland
Source: Twitter

The Polish Railways, AKA PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe, is entrusted with the vital role of rail infrastructure management.

Responsible for the seamless movement of trains across the country, scheduling timetables, and overseeing the railway lands, the claims made by the threat actor could halt its operations, and the data of thousands of people who travel by railways could be used for phishing activities. 

As for the Plus Bank, a cornerstone of Poland’s financial landscape, a cyber attack, as claimed by the threat actor, could jeopardize the people of Poland.

Plus Bank plays a pivotal role in the country’s financial ecosystem with a diverse array of banking services, from debit and credit cards to institutional services. However, an attack on customer data can put private and confidential information at risk. 

The last victim on the list, Warsaw Metro, is a travel system for the people of Poland. As a rapid transit system, the metro weaves through the city, connecting central Warsaw with its districts. The threat actors have targeted Warsaw Metro as a part of their operation to launch a cyber attack on Poland. 

NoName ransomware gang: The victim list continues 

The claims for cyber attacks on Poland websites are far from isolated incidents. Last week, the ransomware gang, known for their cyber attack claims against governmental organizations, claimed a cyber attack on Italy’s banking sector.

The Italian National Authority for Cybersecurity (ACN) disclosed that leading Italian banks were forced offline due to a debilitating Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack attributed to the NoName ransomware gang, reported Reuters. 

With the spotlight on Italy’s banks, NoName’s modus operandi came to light. The group’s Telegram channel claimed responsibility for the cyber attack, citing attacks targeting prominent institutions such as Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Che Banca, and Fideuram. 

NoName’s journey into the realm of cyber warfare began during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. While their initial attacks targeted Ukraine’s banking sector, their scope widened to encompass NATO member nations aligned with Ukraine.

Recent reports indicate their aggressive incursions into Poland, Denmark, Lithuania, the French parliament, Switzerland’s financial and Europe’s largest ports.

Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

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