Over 35 Hacktivist Groups Join In

Amidst the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict, a surge of hacktivists and ransomware groups has entered the arena, declaring a relentless wave of cyberattacks targeting both governmental and private entities with alarming frequency.

This development comes in the wake of the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict, during which Palestinian militant factions, under the leadership of Hamas, launched a broad-scale offensive from the Gaza Strip into Israel.

Breaking through the heavily fortified Gaza-Israel barrier, they infiltrated nearby Israeli settlements and military bases. This aggressive move has exacerbated the Israel-Palestine war, intensifying hostilities between the two sides. 

Israel-Palestine Conflict: The Digital Battlefield

Source: Twitter

Simultaneously, a wave of cyber warfare has unfolded, adding a new dimension to the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict.

Over 35 pro-Palestine hacking groups have commenced a series of attacks on diverse targets within Israel.

These groups, while advocating for Palestinian interests, remain shrouded in mystery, their exact numbers and identities are yet to be verified. 

The cyber assaults, predominantly distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, have been orchestrated against critical Israeli infrastructure.

Groups like ‘Ghosts of Palestine’ have successfully incapacitated the websites of Israel’s Education Ministry and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, rendering them unresponsive. 

Ghosts of Palestine attack
Source: Twitter
Ghosts of Palestine attack
Source: Twitter

Additionally, the ‘Sylhet Gang-SG’ attempted to DDoS Ukrainian websites as a response to Ukraine’s support for Israel.

Sylhet Gang-SG attack
Source: Twitter

The Israel-Palestine war have only increased the number of victims worldwide with many nations reporting cyber attacks and data breaches.

The hacker groups involved in the Israel-Palestine war are as follows: 

Pro-Palestine Hacking 35 Groups Pro-Israel 4 Hacking Groups
Mysterious Team Bangladesh Team UCC Operations
Ghosts of Palestine Indian Cyber Force
AnonGhost Garuna Ops
Blackshieldcrew MY SilentOne
Anonymous Sudan
Ganosec team
Team Azrael Angel of Death
Moroccan Black Cyber Army
Gb Anon 17
Electronic Tigers Unit
YourAnon T13x
Hizbullah Cyb3r Team
StarsX Team
Eagle Cyber Crew
Kerala Cyber Xtractors
Panoc team
Sylhet Gang-SG
Muslim Cyber Army
Team Herox
Garnesia Team
Hacktivism Indonesia
4 Exploitation
Stucx Team
TYG Team
Ghost Clain Malaysia
1915 Team
Anonymous Morocco
Pakistani Leet Hackers
Cyber Av3ngers

The ripple effects of the Israel-Palestine war

The ripple effect of this cyber conflict extends beyond Israel’s borders. Approximately 70 incidents have been recorded involving hacktivist groups from Asia, targeting nations aligned with the U.S., including Israel, India, and France. 

The Russian-backed ‘Killnet’ and ‘Usersec’ have set their sights on Israel’s banking and power sectors, while the ‘Indian Cyber Force’ directs its efforts towards Hamas’s official portal and several Indian governmental sites.

Among the 39 active hacker groups engaged in this Israel-Palestine war, a majority align with the Palestinian cause. Their targets encompass government, semi-government, and private entities in Israel, as well as governments and organizations supporting Israel globally.

The involvement of both pro-Russia and pro-Ukraine activist groups further complicates the Israel-Palestine conflict. ‘Usersec’, a pro-Russian hacktivist collective, joins forces with ‘Killnet‘ in targeting Israel, specializing in website defacements. The situation grows increasingly complex as Israel’s military amasses around 100,000 reserve troops near Gaza.

On the ground, the Israel-Palestine war continues to escalate. Fierce confrontations between Hamas fighters and Israeli forces persist in southern Israel, including areas like Karmia, Ashkelon, and Sderot. The current death toll stands at 413 Palestinians, according to health officials, and over 700 Israelis, according to media reports. 

“The Israeli website ynet reported that at least 700 Israelis had been killed, over 2000 injured and dozens more captured in Hamas’s offensive on southern and central Israel. Haaretz reported 413 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed, 78 of whom are children”, reported The Wire.

Hamas’s surprise attack follows a period of heightened tensions triggered by Israeli settlers’ actions at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound. These incidents, coupled with a surge in Palestinian casualties at the hands of Israeli forces in recent months, form the backdrop of this tragic conflict.

The Israel-Palestine war has taken a perilous turn with the Gaza offensive and the cyber warfare that has followed. As both physical and digital battlefields evolve, it is still left to see what would be the outcome of this conflict between the two nations.

The Cyber Express is closely monitoring developments in the Israel-Palestine conflict and will promptly provide any latest updates on the matter.

Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

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