A phishing website impersonating the popular Russian site CryptoPro CSP has been detected by the Cyble Research and Intelligence Labs…
November 30 is Computer Security Day, a day dedicated to security awareness and education. To celebrate, we have put together…
Intel is investigating the leak of alleged private keys used by the Intel Boot Guard security feature, potentially impacting its…
Intel is investigating the leak of alleged private keys used by the Intel BootGuard security feature, potentially impacting its ability…
A firewall serves as a barrier to unapproved network traffic. Additional organizational security policies are enforced to achieve this, including…
According to reports, there has been a security incident with Twitter’s Private Circle tweets feature as they have been exposed…
Fuzzing은 어플리케이션을 테스트하고 보안 취약점을 찾아내기 위해서 가장 일반적으로 사용하는 기술입니다. 보통 Burpsuite의 Intruder, Turbo Intruder 또는 ZAP의 Fuzz, Caido의…
Microsoft has started enforcing number matching in Microsoft Authenticator push notifications to fend off multi-factor authentication (MFA) fatigue attacks. In…
[ This article was originally published here ] The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author. …
Employment scams are on the rise. Scammers are creating misleading schemes to tempt innocent victims into disclosing their personal information,…
My career just got hacked.. and I couldn’t be more excited about it. Turns out, getting your career hacked* can…
According to an expert from ESET, a single password can cause more damage than expected. Security specialist Jake Moore suggests…