Retailers are losing a large amount through abandoned baskets, with Primer finding the value of abandoned online transactions averaging at…
Today, Dragos Inc. has announced the launch of the Dragos Global Partner Program, the only channel program to comprise OT…
RISC-V, the open standard instruction set architecture (ISA) alternative to Intel and ARM, held its first European summit on 5…
Jun 13, 2023Ravie LakshmananCyber Crime / Cryptocurrency The U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) has charged two Russian nationals in connection…
Skills shortages are the most common reason why enterprises are struggling to realise their multicloud ambitions, suggests the third annual…
Jun 13, 2023The Hacker NewsAPI Security / Webinar Believe it or not, your attack surface is expanding faster than you…
Gillibrand is sponsoring an amendment she hopes to attach to this year’s must-pass National Defense Authorization Act to mandate that…
The information of hundreds of thousands of Indians who received the COVID vaccination was exposed in a significant data breach…
From Jens-Peter Sjöberg, Lord of the Rings CGI artist and co-founder and Creative Director at Swedish video tech pioneers Phyron …
The UK government is seeking views on how best to regulate the umbrella company sector, following the publication of its…
Armis has released new research identifying the riskiest devices that pose threats to critical infrastructure industries: manufacturing, utilities and transportation. Data analysed from…
Thank you for joining! Access your Pro+ Content below. 13 June 2023 UKtech50 2023: The most influential people in UK…