People’s Cyber Army, APT44, NoName057 DDoS Attack On Denmark

The People’s Cyber Army, associated with APT44, and NoName057 allegedly orchestrated a series of DDoS attack on Denmark. These attacks were publicly claimed on the groups’ Telegram channels and are reportedly a response to Denmark’s plan to train an additional 50 Ukrainian F-16 pilots, as announced by Danish Air Force Commander Jan Dam.

The People’s Cyber Army reportedly targeted Denmark’s government procurement site ( and the news outlet Simultaneously, NoName057 directed attacks at MitID’s authentication portal, the Danish Tax Agency, the National Bank of Denmark, and the Danish Evaluation Agency.

People’s Cyber Army Claims DDoS Attack on Denmark

DDoS attack on Denmark
Source: Dark Web

The impact of these DDoS attack on Denmark has been felt across critical Danish organizations including, the Danish Tax Agency, the National Bank of Denmark, MitID, and Denmark’s government procurement site ( These incidents has allegedly primarily affected Denmark but also have potential implications across Europe and the UK, particularly in sectors such as government and media.

Denmark’s decision to train Ukrainian F-16 pilots has stirred controversy, triggering these retaliatory actions from hacktivist groups. The Cyber Express has reached out to the affected organizations to learn more about this DDoS attack on Denmark and claims made by the the threat actors. 

However, at the time of writing this, no statements has been issued at this time, leaving the claims surrounding these cyberattacks on Denmark unverified.

Collaboration with The People’s Cyber Army, APT44, and NoName057

The recent cyberattacks on Denmark by the People’s Cyber Army (associated with APT44) and NoName057 highlight the escalating threat posed by pro-Russian hacktivist groups. APT44, recognized for its sophisticated cyber operations, has a history of targeting critical infrastructure and government agencies, notably using DDoS attacks to disrupt systems. This group’s activities, often aligned with Russia’s geopolitical interests, demonstrate a strategic integration of cyber capabilities in international conflicts.

NoName057, emerging as a disruptive force in recent years, employs similar tactics through DDoS attacks aimed at Ukrainian, American, and European targets. Operating primarily through online platforms like Telegram and GitHub, the group seeks to amplify its impact by coordinating with other pro-Russian collectives. Their actions reflect a broader trend of hacktivist movements leveraging digital tools to advance political agendas and challenge perceived adversaries.

The collaboration between these groups highlights the decentralized and adaptable nature of modern cyber threats, where state-sponsored actors and loosely affiliated hacktivist groups converge based on shared objectives. These incidents not only disrupt targeted organizations but also highlight vulnerabilities in global cybersecurity frameworks. 

Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

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