Protect Your Facebook and Instagram Accounts from Hacking

Securing your Facebook and Instagram accounts is essential to protect your personal information and keep your accounts safe from hackers. Here is a tutorial on how to protect your Facebook and Instagram accounts:

  1. Use strong and unique passwords: Use a strong and unique password for your Facebook and Instagram accounts. Avoid using easily guessable information such as your name, date of birth, or common words.
  2. Enable two-factor authentication: Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an essential layer of security to your account by requiring a code from your mobile device in addition to your password to log in. To enable 2FA for Facebook, go to Settings > Security and Login > Use Two-Factor Authentication. To enable 2FA for Instagram, go to Settings > Security > Two-Factor Authentication.
  3. Keep your personal information private: Be selective about the personal information you share on your Facebook and Instagram profiles. Consider limiting the visibility of your posts and profile information to only people you know.
  4. Be aware of suspicious links and messages: Be cautious of links or messages that ask for personal information or direct you to a suspicious website. Always check the URL of a website before entering personal information.
  5. Keep your software and apps updated: Keep your Facebook and Instagram apps updated to the latest version to ensure that they have the latest security features. Also, keep your mobile device’s operating system updated to the latest version.
  6. Use a VPN:  By using a virtual private network (VPN), you can encrypt your internet connection and safeguard your device from potential hackers when you are connected to public networks.
  7. Be careful about the apps you connect to your Facebook and Instagram: Be cautious about the apps you connect to your Facebook and Instagram accounts, as they may have access to your personal information. To review the apps connected to your Facebook account, go to Settings > Apps and Websites. To review the apps connected to your Instagram account, go to Settings > Security > Third-Party Apps.
  8. Review your Facebook and Instagram account regularly: Regularly review your Facebook and Instagram account’s settings and activity log to ensure that no unauthorized changes have been made and that your account has not been compromised. Go to the settings of your account and check if any suspicious activity or login from unknown devices or locations is reported.
  9. Be careful about accepting friend or follower requests: Be careful about accepting friend or follower requests from people you don’t know, as they may be hackers trying to gain access to your account.
  10. Keep your anti-virus and anti-malware software updated: Keep your anti-virus and anti-malware software updated to ensure that your device is protected from the latest security threats.


By adhering to these steps, you can help to secure your Facebook and Instagram accounts and protect your personal information from hackers and other unauthorized access. Remember to stay vigilant and continue to update your account’s security settings to ensure that your account is protected from the latest threats.

How to recover your Facebook or Instagram Account?

If you suspect that your Facebook or Instagram account has been compromised, it is crucial to take immediate action to recover your account. Listed below are some measures you can take to recover your account:

  1. Change your password: If you suspect that your account has been compromised, the first step is to change your password. Go to the settings of your account, and change the password to a strong and unique one.
  2. Enable two-factor authentication: If you have not already enabled two-factor authentication, do it as soon as possible. This will help to prevent hackers from logging into your account even if they have your password.
  3. Report the hack: Report the hack to Facebook or Instagram by going to the platform’s help center and following the steps to report a hacked account.
  4. Check your connected apps: Go to the settings of your account, and check the list of connected apps. Remove any apps that you do not recognize or trust.
  5. Check your activity log: Go to your account’s activity log and check for any suspicious activity, such as posts, messages, or changes to your profile information that you did not make.
  6. Contact customer support: If you are unable to recover your account, contact customer support for Facebook or Instagram and provide them with the details of the hack. They will assist you in recovering your account.
  7. Recover your account with your email or phone number: If you cannot access your account, try recovering it by providing your email address or phone number linked to the account. Follow the instructions provided by Facebook or Instagram to recover your account.
  8. Use a recovery code: If you have a recovery code, you can use it to recover your account.


By following these steps, you can help to recover your Facebook or Instagram account if it has been compromised. Remember to stay vigilant and continue to update your account’s security settings to ensure that your account is protected from the latest threats in the future. We hope this article was helpful in providing you with knowledge on how to protect your Facebook and Instagram accounts. For more information, subscribe to The Cyber Express.


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