Provide Your Feedback on the CISSP-ISSEP Exam Outline

[ This article was originally published here ]

At (ISC)², we pride ourselves in our steadfast dedication to maintaining the relevance and quality of all the certifications in our portfolio. (ISC)² certifications are constantly being reviewed and updated to make sure they are serving the needs of professionals who hold them, as well as those that are seeking them.  

(ISC)² is exploring a new security engineering credential that is in better alignment with global standards for recognized roles and specialisms. The current CISSP-ISSEP concentration certification is earned after obtaining your CISSP. This new certification could be obtained by a practitioner before seeking the CISSP credential. We are in the process of reviewing our in a similar manner. 

The first step of the process is to conduct a JTA workshop, tentatively scheduled for March 27-29, 2023. We are asking that anyone who holds the CISSP-ISSEP or CISSP please review the current and consider the following questions:   

  1. Which topics from the CISSP-ISSEP exam outline are appropriate to retain for a less-experienced security engineering professional? 
  2. What content, currently on the CISSP-ISSEP exam outline, is not appropriate for a less-experienced security engineering professional?   
  3. Are there topics or content that should be added to address emerging cybersecurity techniques and threats that security engineering professionals are facing in their jobs today?  

Please send your feedback and answers to these questions to no later than March 13, 2023. Please include your member ID number in your email. Your comments will be compiled and presented to the JTA committee for further review.   

If you are able to participate in this activity, please feel free to submit your time for CPE credit in the portal. Thank you for your help in this essential activity keeping our certification up to date! 


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