R00TK1T Cyber Ceasefire: Malaysia’s Temporary Truce

The cyber war saga between the notorious R00TK1T hacker group and Malaysia seems to have taken a temporary ceasefire, leaving many to ponder the motives behind this sudden pause in hostilities.

The cyberattack on Malaysia seems to have come to a halt as the threat actor has announced a temporary hiatus on the dark web. The self-proclaimed hacktivist collective has announced a halt via a post to their relentless cyber onslaught on Malaysia.

Speculations abound regarding the reasons behind this cessation, with some suggesting backchannel negotiations with the Malaysian government, while others suggesting a scarcity of resources for continuing their cyberattacks on Malaysia. 

R00TK1T and Malaysia Cyberattacks: Decoding the Temporary Ceasefire

In a dark post shared to their channel, the R00TK1T hacker group shared a warning and strategic considerations for their campaign of cyberattacks on Malaysian government and private entities. The post reads, “Attention, fellows! It is with a mix of satisfaction and anticipation that we, as R00TK1T, announce a temporary cessation of our cyber attacks on the Malaysian government. “

R00TK1T cyberattack on Malaysia
Source: CyberKnow on X

The threat actor expresses a mix of satisfaction and anticipation, suggesting a strategic decision rather than a permanent change. “After intense negotiations, agreements have been reached, but fear not, for this is merely a brief respite. During our reign of chaos, we have left a trail of destruction, reminding those in power that no one is safe from our wrath”, added the threat actor. 

The “intense negotiations” suggest that the cessation of attacks is not due to a change of heart but rather a result of negotiations, hinting at a possible return to hostilities in the future. The actor boasts about their previous cyber attacks, emphasizing their capability to disrupt and challenge authority.

“Stay tuned, followers, for in the days to come, we shall unveil our next target, another unsuspecting country that will bear witness to the chaos we bring. Brace yourselves, for the storm is far from over. Remember, chaos is our creed, and no one is safe from our reach. Until next time, stay wicked, stay wild, and stay tuned for more updates from us!”, concludes the post. 

Organizations Affected in this Cyberattack on Malaysia

This announcement follows the recent cyberattack on Maxis, one of Malaysia’s leading telecommunications operators. The R00TK1T ISC Cyber Team allegedly breached Maxis’ systems, exfiltrating sensitive data and posting it on the dark web.

Maxis Berhad Cyberattack
Source: Twitter

Screenshots purportedly from Maxis’ backend systems surfaced on the dark web, along with warnings from the hacker group about the release of customer data.

Maxis responded promptly, acknowledging the incident and initiating investigations. While they didn’t identify any breaches within their internal systems, they pointed to a potential compromise of a third-party vendor system, signaling the complexities of modern cybersecurity threats.

The modus operandi of R00TK1T involves exploiting vulnerabilities in various systems, as evidenced by their claimed access to Maxis’ employee data and administrative dashboards.

Their tactics and unapologetic proclamations have also reached plans to target the global tech giant DELL.

Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

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