R00TK1T ISC Claims Cybersecurity Incident

The pro-Israeli hacktivist group, R00TK1T ISC Cyber Team, has allegedly targeted Malaysian entities, marking their first cyberattack on Aminia. 

The group claims to have compromised Aminia’s billing and Managed WiFi services portals, hinting at a potential data breach. The attack follows the group’s threat to target Malaysian internet infrastructure.

The hacktivist group posted a message on the compromised portal, warning Aminia of the impending chaos and exposing vulnerabilities within the company.

Aminia, a Malaysian telecom provider, provides services and diverse systems for efficient AI-driven analytics. Collaborating with global leaders, Aminia offers GPON, FiberLan, Wi-Fi, and more.

The post also includes screenshots revealing compromised Wireless Network Management panels. This cyber onslaught comes on the heels of the group’s explicit threats issued on January 26, where they declared their intent to target Malaysian organizations.

Cyberattack on Aminia; R00TK1T ISC Cyber Team Responsibility

 cyberattack on Aminia
Source: Dark Web

The Cyber Express attempted to reach out to Aminia for more information regarding the Aminia cyberattack, but the website is currently inaccessible, displaying an “Index of /” error.

Such errors often occur after a cyberattack when unauthorized access manipulates server configurations or deletes crucial files, exposing directory contents. 

Furthermore, the hacktivist group has asserted that they carried out an internal defacement of Aminia’s portal, leaving an indelible mark on the managed service provider.

The severity of the breach escalates as the group shares a second screenshot, indicating the compromise of Aminia’s Managed WiFi services portal.

cyberattack on Aminia
Source: Dark Web

To substantiate their claims, R00TK1T shared screenshots containing sensitive information related to Aminia’s dashboard, customers, services, and more. The group accuses Malaysia of harboring cyber threats in the Middle East conflict and vows to expose such activities.

R00TK1T ISC Cyber Team Vows to Target Malaysia

cyberattack on Aminia
Source: Dark Web

The gravity of the situation intensifies with the revelation that the threat actors are not confining their actions to Aminia alone.

R00TK1T ISC Cyber Team has issued threats to target Malaysian internet infrastructure, amplifying concerns about the broader implications of their actions on the nation.

The group’s modus operandi involves sharing screenshots of the compromised Wireless Network Management panel, specifically the Controlled Access Point System Manager (CAPsMAN) panel, manufactured by MicroTik.

The panel was running on OS version 7.3.1, which is susceptible to CVE-2023-41570, highlighting an incorrect access control vulnerability in the wireless network management panel. 

However, it remains uncertain whether the compromised panel belongs to Aminia or another Malaysian telecommunication company.

The Cyber Express will be closely monitoring the situation and we’ll update this post once we have more information on the Aminia cyberattack.

Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

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