[Release] Check if your website passes the OWASP Top 10 test!

Ever wished there was an easy way to see if your site is vulnerable to any of the vulnerability categories on the OWASP Top 10 list? The latest addition to the Detectify tool allows you to do just that! Our new OWASP view provides a quick and easy way to check whether your site passes or fails OWASP Top 10 tests.

To take a look at the OWASP view, select your scan profile, then click on “OWASP Top 10” under Reports.

Below the graph of your progress over time, you can find a list of all OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities. The categories your scan profile passed are marked with green check marks and those failed are marked with red. You can dig deeper into the categories your scan profile is vulnerable to by selecting “View findings”.

Detectify OWASP view scroll

Above the list, you can see your overall OWASP Top 10 score that shows you how many of the 10 tests your scan profile has passed. Please note that not all OWASP categories are equally critical; for example, failing the injection test is still a serious security risk even if your site passes all other 9 tests.

If you’re curious about a specific OWASP category and wish to learn more, click on the link to visit our blog for code examples and remediation tips.

Happy scanning!
/The Detectify Team


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