Release: New report view and verification through Google Tag Manager

Feature updates that has been made possible by our new backend continues to be launched. The new features includes a new improved alternative report view that enables you to get a better overview of your vulnerabilities. The second big new feature is that you are now able to verify ownership of your site through Google Tag Manager which makes it simple and secure.

The new report view

When you are performing a scan it sometimes generates a large amount of findings from the same type of vulnerability found on different places on your site. For example if your site has an old version of Apache several known vulnerabilities will be found or if the site has an XSS the same mistake is often found on more than one place. Previously that could make the report massive and make it difficult to get an overview.

For this reason we have now added a view that groups all similar vulnerabilities together. Here is an example of the new view:

The grouped view can be toggled by clicking the list-icon in the upper right. The new view makes it much easier for you to get an overview of your sites vulnerabilities and be able to prioritize your work.

Verify site ownership with Google Tag Manager

We demand that you prove ownership of your site before you can use our service. This is off course for your own safety since we actually are trying to hack you. However we want to make the verification process as simple for you as possible why we offer several ways to verify ownership of your site. The latest way we have added is verification through Google Tag Manager as a complement to the normal verification done through your Google Analytics account. Our ambition is that this will make the verification process smoother for you so that you can spend your time developing.

Add domain with Google Tag Manager

Remember to run your scan frequently

Remember to run frequent tests as new vulnerabilities arise daily. This is why we continuously update our scanner to cover the latest known and unknown security vulnerabilities. You can easily set up a recurring test with our scheduler or trigger test automatically with the api.

Go check out the new features and since we continuously work to improve all aspects of our service please provide your feedback in the comments below.

Happy scanning!

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