Release: You are now able to add your own subdomains

In the latest release, we launched the possibility to add your own subdomains without verifying them separately. Since before we have been able to look for the most common subdomains, but now you can add your own custom subdomains. By adding your subdomains you ensure that no potential vulnerability is missed during the scan of your web site. All results, including the main domain and subdomains, will be located in one place.

You simply add the subdomains you would like us to scan in the settings menu, as seen in the picture below. As usual you are able to decide whether or not you would like us to scan your subdomains. This setting is adjusted at the same place in the settings menu.


We hope that these new features will help you in your security efforts. If you have feedback on our new release or ideas for new features do not hesitate to tell us, either in the comments below or at [email protected]

Happy scanning!

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