Rise of Ransomware Attacks Main Focus for SOCs, research finds

A new global study has looked into how SOC’s go about protecting organisations from threats, where they focus the most attention and what is driving modernisation plans.

Cybereason’s latest report Ransomware and the Modern SOC: How Ransomware is Driving the Requirements for SOC Modernization, surveyed 1,203 security professionals from eight countries and a dozen industries, and found more than 58% said their SOC spends most of its time responding to ransomware and supply chain attacks that often lead to ransomware incidents.

As a result, their modernization plans are now focused across four specific areas:

  • 38% — Plan to deploy new detection capabilities with better detection efficacy.
  • 31% — Need better visibility into the full attack story.
  • 31% — Are looking for ways to augment staffing and contract for managed services, and
  • 29% — Said ransomware has increased their need for better automation and faster response.

“In a post COVID world, the modern SOC needs to be a decentralized, capabilities-based organization that leverages industry-leading detection, prevention, visibility, and automation technologies, all of which are often augmented by managed services,” said Israel Barak CISO, Cybereason.

Travel and Transportation Industries Struggling

The study also revealed that almost a third (31%) stated the ransomware threat has exposed their need for better insight and visibility into the full attack story against their organisation. On average, 35 percent of respondents in the United States need better insight and visibility. In Italy, that number jumps to 46 percent. In the travel and transportation industry, more than 57 percent of respondents lack the proper level of threat attack visibility, followed by 39 percent of respondents in the retail, catering and leisure industries.

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