Rock County Wisconsin Cyberattack: $ 1.9M Ransom Denied

In an alarming cybersecurity incident, the Cuba ransomware gang encrypted the data post the Rock County Wisconsin cyberattack. The cyberattack took place last month, but the ransom has been demanded now.

The gang has demanded a ransom of $ 1.9 million to decrypt the files stolen in the Rock County Wisconsin cyberattack.

Officials Take on the Rock County Wisconsin Cyberattack

Rock County officials have rejected the demand of hackers for the amount of $ 1.9 million so that they can unlock the files locked during their recent ransomware attack.

They know very well that this provides more encouragement to the cyber thugs who will then have more to feed on.

According to Josh Smith, the county administrator, nobody would like to stimulate crime.

Fortunately, all important systems are already live and running, although some less significant ones are still being upgraded after the Rock County Wisconsin Cyberattack.

In addition, the criminal actor deleted some files from the multiple county systems and encrypted information.

Fortunately, it should not be assumed that material containing highly sensitive personally identifiable information of County employees was stolen.

Such an event highlights the broader problem of cybercrime and the difficulties of organizations in responding to these challenges. The Rock County Wisconsin Cyberattack also highlights the issue surrounding data protection and strong cyber security systems. It highlights that the effects of cybercrime are more far-reaching than just financial losses and may involve privacy matters or confidentiality issues.

It is indeed a case to warn those involved in the management of the private sector and government against lapses in cyber security defense mechanisms. This further emphasizes on the significance of public-private partnering in the war against cybercrime, intelligence exchange, and concerted efforts to ensure secure cyberspace.

About Cuba Ransomware Gang

The Cuba ransomware gang refers to a Russian-speaking ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS). Sectors on which they focus include Retail, Finance, logistics, and government. The group was established in late 2019 and gained popularity by 2022. Cuba ransomware is a single-file strain, which is hard to discover as it works with no additional libraries.

They deploy Cobalt Strikes Beacons and many “lolbins”. The Cuba gang keeps changing strategies whilst stealing extremely vital data from their victims.

Finally, the Rock County Wisconsin cyberattack demonstrates the challenges associated with cyber crimes. It stresses why security must be addressed even at the lowest level of individuals up to government institutions while noting its resilience, vigilance, and collaboration against ever-changing threats.

Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

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