Every year, companies increasingly rely on software-as-a-service platforms (SaaS) to handle a variety of tasks, such as website analysis, accounting, payroll, and email automation. Reliance on SaaS is unavoidable. But it introduces risks and security issues, making security testing even more business critical.
In this blog post, we’ll explore why security testing for SaaS businesses must evolve to keep pace with the changing threat landscape. We’ll also highlight how organizations can adopt a proactive and informed approach to security testing. By taking these steps, SaaS businesses can stay ahead of cybercriminals and strengthen their defenses against potential breaches.
SaaS and the expanding attack surface
By 2022, the average company was using 130 SaaS platforms, a significant increase from just 8 in 2015, according to Statista. However, the real number is probably much higher. Venturebeat’s article highlights that it’s hard to know the exact number of SaaS platforms used in a company. Often, IT leaders don’t have complete visibility of all the SaaS platforms their employees use.