Scan and diagnose your SME’s cybersecurity with expert recommendations from ENISA

The release of a cybersecurity maturity assessment tool by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) aims to provide Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) with a valuable resource for enhancing their security posture.

As a significant driver for innovation and growth in the EU, SMEs constantly face cybersecurity challenges. This is why it is essential to support them in addressing these challenges and identifying improvements.

The cybersecurity maturity assessment tool designed by ENISA supports those businesses who seek to understand their current cybersecurity maturity level.

Thanks to this tool, they can define the risks they face. They will also be given a remediation plan to mitigate them and improve their maturity.

The tool includes the following features:

Cybersecurity evaluation: Based on several questions, this online tool assesses whether your organization is at a foundation, advanced or expert maturity level adapted to the size of your business, available budget, sector of activity, generic asset identification, etc. in order to compare it with other similar companies.

Top cybersecurity and a personalized action plan: the tool also provides an action plan to help organizations benefit from tailor-made follow-up actions and increase their cybersecurity level based on recommendations adapted to current best cybersecurity practices.

Configured around 3 key areas, the tool allows for the assessment of:

  • People: to assess whether staff or employees are prepared to face cyber threats
  • Technology: to understand the technology used and how to select and implement best cybersecurity practices
  • Processes: to ensure the organization has the right processes in place to deal with cybersecurity risks.

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