Show Us Your Mad Skillz! Introducing Hacker Skills

We’re going to come right out and say it: you hackers are talented! The diverse set of skills in our community is evidenced by the more than 33,000 bugs squashed to date for programs on HackerOne.

So it’s high time we start highlighting those sweet skills you bring to the table! We want every hacker to be recognized for the bugs they’re the best at finding. So we’re rolling out a new feature called “Hacker Skills”, and it will enable you to identify your skills by submitting relevant reports. Each skill will be verified by HackerOne. Since verification will take some time, we’re gradually releasing this onto the platform. We appreciate your patience and will notify you by email when you have access to the feature.

skills overview page

And here’s the best news. With this new feature, over time we’ll also be able to provide targeted, private program invites that we know you’ll rock at. More invites, more chances to build reputation, and, of course, more bounties!

In fact, for years we’ve been monitoring skills from hackers and have observed that everyone is more successful when programs are matched to hackers with the right skills. Today we take the first step in being more transparent in how we track these skills.

Questions / comments? Hit us up anytime at [email protected].

Happy Hacking!


HackerOne is the #1 hacker-powered security platform, helping organizations find and fix critical vulnerabilities before they can be criminally exploited. As the contemporary alternative to traditional penetration testing, our bug bounty program solutions encompass vulnerability assessment, crowdsourced testing and responsible disclosure management. Discover more about our security testing solutions or Contact Us today.

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