Study of Encrypted Transmission of Private Data During Network Communication: Performance Comparison of Advanced Encryption Standard and Data Encryption Standard Algorithms

Abstract: The involvement of the Internet in the production of daily life has increased the demand for the security of private data on the Internet. This paper briefly introduced the principles of advanced encryption standard (AES) and data encryption standard (DES) algorithms and then conducted simulation experiments on the two encryption algorithms in a laboratory server. The results showed that both algorithms had excellent sensitivity to plaintext keys, and the sensitivity of the AES algorithm was higher; the encryption and decryption time of both algorithms increased as the file got larger, and the encryption and decryption time of the same algorithm was not much different; the encryption and decryption time of the AES algorithm was less than that of the DES algorithm for the same file, and the time taken to crack the AES-encrypted data by brute force was also much longer; during the transmission of encrypted data, as the data increased, the integrity of the ciphertext decryption by the third-party decreased, and the integrity of the AES algorithm-encrypted file was significantly smaller than that of the DES algorithm-encrypted file when it was decrypted.

Study of Encrypted Transmission of Private Data During Network Communication: Performance Comparison of Advanced Encryption Standard and Data Encryption Standard Algorithms | Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility (

Dongliang Bian Department of Computer Information Engineering, Baoding Vocational and Technical College, Baoding 071000, Hebei, China

Jun Pan Department of Computer Information Engineering, Baoding Vocational and Technical College, Baoding 071000, Hebei, China

Yanhui Wang Department of Computer Information Engineering, Baoding Vocational and Technical College, Baoding 071000, Hebei, China

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