Team Insane Pakistan Claims Ediopedia CyberAttack

In a recent turn of events, Team Insane Pakistan, a notorious hacking group with ties to Pakistan and Indonesia, has asserted its involvement in the Ediopedia cyberattack. This comes amidst a wave of cyber confrontations between Israel and Palestine. 

The group made this declaration on its dark web forum, asserting that the cyberattack is part of their broader campaign against Israel.

The Ediopedia Cyberattack: Not the First Offense

Source: Twitter

Ediopedia, a platform designed for teachers to exchange educational materials at socially affordable prices, is currently inaccessible, displaying a “This site can’t be reached” error message.

The threat actor’s post also featured several hashtags including #Oplsraelv2, #AnonymousPakistan, #AllMuslimsHackers, #TeamInsanePk, and #Anonymous.

Similar to past cyberattacks against Israel, Team Insane Pakistan provided links to Check-Host to allow visitors to validate their assertions. In this case, the Ediopedia attack appears to be substantiated, given the current inaccessibility of the website.

The Cyber Express sought to gain further insight into the alleged Ediopedia cyberattack by reaching out to the organization.

Unfortunately, due to the unresponsiveness of the website, communication was not possible at this time, leaving the official claims of the Ediopedia attack unverified.

Team Insane Pakistan’s Campaign

Team Insane Pakistan, also known as Team Insane PK, has gained notoriety for its large-scale cyberattack claims, believed to have roots in both Pakistan and Indonesia. 

According to a report from Cloudsek’s threat research team, the group executed approximately 2,450 targeted cyberattacks under the banner of ‘#OpIndia’. Over half of these attacks were distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.

These attacks were distributed across various sectors, including approximately 370 on government digital infrastructure, 80 on non-profit organizations’ websites, 35 on the finance and banking sector, and around 15 on energy and oil department websites.

The report noted that the group selects targets based on the attention they can generate.

Team Insane Pakistan: Previous Exploits

Amazon cyber attack in India
Source: Twitter

Last month, Team Insane PK claimed responsibility for a cyberattack on Amazon in India. They boldly announced, “Largest Online Shopping site in India has been shut down by Team Insane PK,” accompanied by a screenshot implying a successful takedown of the Amazon India website.

The purported cyberattack on Amazon India is not an isolated incident. Team Insane PK reportedly targeted several critical infrastructures in India, including websites like,, and

Team Insane Pakistan’s claim of responsibility for the Ediopedia cyberattack adds a significant chapter to their growing list of exploits — especially in the war-like situation between Israel and Palestine. The Cyber Express is closely monitoring this story and we’ll update this post once we have more information or official confirmation of the alleged Ediopedia cyberattack. 

Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

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