[ This article was originally published here ]
The , the charitable foundation of (ISC)² founded in 2011, aims to grow the cybersecurity profession and its positive impact on the world by raising awareness, building a diverse pipeline of cybersecurity professionals and activating a more secure digital world.
Originally, the Center was created to serve as the home for cyber safety awareness programs and a place for the next generation of cyber professionals to receive educational scholarships. However, as the modern cybersecurity landscape has intensified and the global of needed cybersecurity professionals has increased, (ISC)² is committed to meeting these demands. The Center will support to begin their career while remaining dedicated to raising awareness and help build a pipeline of diverse cybersecurity professionals; thus, creating a more safe and secure cyber world.
The mission of the Center has evolved to meet this global need and now stands on these three program pillars:
- – increasing knowledge of cyber threats and awareness of cyber career options
- – building a diverse pipeline of future cybersecurity professionals and addressing challenges current cyber workers face that can lead to leaving the profession
- – providing cybersecurity resources to underserved organizations
Learn more about how you can support the Center with your talent, time and treasure at .