The Future of Online Privacy

By Mia Naumoska, Chief Marketing Officer at Internxt

You’ve probably noticed that there’s a lot of bad news about online privacy these days. Security breaches and data leaks are everywhere, and it seems like almost every company is collecting more information about you than ever before.

But this isn’t the end of the internet as we know it. In fact, there are some positive signs on the horizon: new laws have already been passed to protect your privacy, and technology companies are trying new ways to keep your data safe.

So while there may be (so, so, so many) challenges ahead regarding privacy and our digital lives, they’re not entirely insurmountable ones. Let me explain what’s happening with online privacy and how things will likely change in the coming years…

The Internet Is a Double-edged Sword

The internet has been, and likely always will be, a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it’s made it easier than ever before to connect with people from all over the world. But on the other hand, it’s also made it more challenging than ever before to protect your privacy.

With more people than ever using the internet, it’s only natural that there are more ways to get hacked. There are hundreds of different types of hackers out there, and all of them have different ways of going about their business. But the one thing that all hackers have in common is that they’re looking to steal information from you. Whether it’s your email password or credit card number, if it has value, then someone will try to get it from you.

The world of hacking has dramatically evolved over the last twenty years. Hacking used to be a hobby, but it’s now big business. Now, some people make their whole living by stealing data from others and selling it on the black market.

How tech companies and developers are forced to respond to new hacking methods has the potential to radically change the internet as we know it.

Online Privacy Laws Are in Flux but Will Improve

As we push further into the future, the need for privacy from watchful eyes grows more and more critical. The lines between public and private data are becoming dangerously blurred. It’s time to demand more from our government and hold corporations accountable for protecting your data.

The United States government is currently trying to pass a privacy law that would provide more protection for Americans, but it will be years before it’s passed. In contrast, the European Union (EU) has stricter privacy laws that are much more closely monitored by its citizens and enforced by its regulators.

The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a set of laws that protects the data of EU citizens. It was put into effect in 2018 and will affect any company that deals with personal data from an EU citizen.

The GDPR is intended to give EU citizens more control over their data and provide them with more privacy protection. It also applies to companies outside of the EU that deal with personal data from EU citizens. The GDPR includes several provisions, including:

  • The right to be forgotten
  • Transparency and consent
  • Data protection by design
  • Data protection officers (DPOs)
  • Breach notification
  • Data portability
  • Data protection impact assessments (DPIAs)

But the GDPR doesn’t just apply to European companies—it applies to any business that processes or holds personal data belonging to people living in Europe.

In the future, privacy will be protected through a combination of legislation and technology. Legislation is currently being implemented to protect consumers and help prevent companies from taking advantage of them. This includes regulations on user data collection and the ability for users to remove themselves from data collections easily.

Additionally, businesses will be required by law to inform users when their information has been breached, who it was violated by, and how many people have access to that data. This type of transparency will ensure that users also know what measures are being taken so that they can take the steps necessary to protect themselves from identity theft or further privacy violations.

How Companies Collect Data and Protect It Will Change.

The future of online privacy will change the way companies collect and use your data.

As we’ve mentioned, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union law that protects user privacy by requiring companies to be more transparent about how they collect and store your data. If a company violates this law, they could face hefty fines—and there are already reports of some companies receiving them.

This regulation shows that people are willing to fight for their right to control how their personal information is used online, so expect more similar laws around the world in the future, as well as an increased awareness of what you share on social media and elsewhere online.

The GDPR is a good start, but it only applies to EU countries. It’s also not an effective way to protect your privacy—you should still be careful about what you post online and how much information you share with companies.

New Technologies Will Help With Digital Privacy.

As you know, privacy has been a hot topic for the last few years. It’s only getting hotter as new technologies are developed, and companies begin to adopt them.

Many new, emerging tools help you control your data and privacy online, but it can be hard to keep track of them all—especially when new ones come out seemingly every day.

Internxt secure cloud storage is an excellent example of a new web service that uses new technologies like end-to-end encryptions and open-source, distributed networks to give users total control over their files and photos. Internxt is at the forefront of companies choosing to offer products and services that respect individuals’ right to privacy and say no to harvesting user data.

Another fantastic example is Tor Browser. It is an application that allows people to browse the internet anonymously by routing their IP address through multiple servers worldwide (called nodes) before connecting with websites or services on different servers than their own. It also uses strong encryption so internet service providers cannot eavesdrop on users’ activity while browsing online.

Don’t Let the New World Scare You

The future is here. We’ve made it this far, and there’s no turning back now.

We must embrace our new reality and understand that changes like these are inevitable in a world where technology is thriving. The best way to do this is by not being afraid of the unknown—by not shying away from new ideas and innovations but rather being curious about what they could mean for us in the long run.

If you keep an open mind, you’ll be able to see past all the alarmist headlines about digital privacy and realize that these advancements aren’t all bad news. In truth, they may actually help us gain control over our personal lives more than we ever thought possible!

Sure, there’s a lot of bad news about privacy these days, but there are also good signs that things will improve.

It’s hard to see the forest for the trees regarding online privacy. Between Facebook and Google, you can’t scroll through your feed without seeing a story about a data breach or something nefarious being done with your personal information. You might be feeling like we’re at a dark place in terms of data security, but some bright spots show things could be getting better soon.

Federal laws will change, so they protect you more. Companies are also starting to realize that they need to do better by their customers, not just themselves—and this will help keep your data safe from privacy violations and unethical use. New technologies like blockchain and encryption will also help companies have more control over how they collect and store users’ information than ever before.

Don’t despair. It’s going to be okay!

What About Privacy Now?

We’ve covered a lot of ground in this article, and protecting your privacy can feel overwhelming. What do you do?

First, take a breath. There are a lot of things going on with privacy right now that might seem scary to you, but remember that there is a lot of good news too. Second, find reputable security and privacy companies like Internxt to help you protect your data until we all come together to build a safer, better internet.

Online privacy’s future, especially concerning the right to privacy, will continue to be a hotly debated topic. In the current age where social media and big data are constantly growing, and more and more of the activities we engage in online can be monitored and analyzed by those who are observing us, the big question will continue to remain—how do we protect our rights to privacy and freedom?

About the Author

Mia Naumoska, Chief Marketing Officer at Internxt

Mia Naumoska is a Chief Marketing Officer at Internxt – world’s most secure cloud storage. Having over a decade of experience in the marketing field, Mia is responsible for Internxt’s overall marketing strategy, managing an amazing team of marketing experts. Mia can be reached online at LinkedIn  and at our company website

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