The Importance of Data Security and Privacy for Individuals and Businesses in the Digital Age

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the world significantly. Businesses have now realized that the world needs to be digitized. It is mainly why the trend of brick-and-mortar stores is nearly over and businesses are now switching to digital modes, creating websites and getting into e-commerce. 

Not just that, people have also realized the significance of social media platforms. During the Covid-19 pandemic when the entire world was in lockdown, social media platforms played a critical role in keeping the world connected. They not only helped you stay updated with your surroundings but also to stay connected with your loved ones. 

However, in all this fuss and mess, cybersecurity issues increased. Yes, cybersecurity has become a major concern, and sadly, it’s still overlooked. It affects everyone, including businesses and individuals; thus, everyone needs to be careful. Let’s talk about the significance of cybersecurity today and see how you can increase data security and privacy.

Why is Cybersecurity Important?

Cybersecurity is extremely important for both businesses and individuals. It can protect your personal and work data from all kinds of damage and theft. From industry and governmental information to intellectual property, personal information, protected health information (PHI), and personally identifiable information (PII), everything is covered with cybersecurity. 

Due to all these reasons, having a cybersecurity plan is a must, whether it’s for individual use or your business. Having a cybersecurity plan ensures that you remain protected against data breaches, phishing scams, and other cybercrimes. It works well against both residual risk and inherent risk.

That being said, different countries across the globe are now highlighting cybersecurity issues. One great example is GDPR that has enhanced the reputable damage of cyber-attacks and data leaks by making organizations working in the European Union to: 

  • Anonymize user identity and data to increase privacy; 
  • Ask for user consent before sending or receiving all kinds of information; 
  • Hire a cybersecurity officer; and,
  • Report data leaks and other security issues.

Ways to Improve Data Security and Privacy

Now that we’ve established how important cybersecurity is, let’s find out how we can improve data security and privacy. Thankfully, there are many ways to stay on the safer side. The following tips work for both businesses and individuals, so start practicing them today: 

Frequently Change Your Passwords

A common mistake most people make at home and work is not changing their passwords frequently and keeping the simplest password so that it could be remembered easily. One thing you should know here is that simple passwords are easier to crack; therefore, setting up a complex password is necessary. 

The second thing is you must change your passwords frequently, at least once a month. Whether it’s your personal or work email address, change the password every month. On top of that, turn on two factor authentication. You can connect it to your mobile number or any mobile application like YouTube. It will send you a confirmation message or OTP code every time you try to log in.

Use a VPN 

Using a VPN is essential when working with sensitive data or files. It can protect your personal or work-related files by providing you with complete anonymity. A VPN removes your IP address and switches your location. All you need to do is switch it on every time you connect to an internet network. 

For added security, I suggest you protect your entire network with a secure VPN router. Fortunately, thanks to the growing technology, many VPNs are available that provide safety to your entire network. Using one keeps filtering the traffic and ensures nobody gets to you via your location or IP address.

Avoid Using Public Wi-Fi 

As mentioned earlier, securing the entire network is better than securing your device. Adding to it, you must stick to your private internet connection and avoid using public Wi-Fi, especially when working on something sensitive or confidential. 

Public Wi-Fis get hacked easily and most of them ask for personal information like email address and contact number before providing you with an internet connection. Not to mention, they keep your personal data saved which can present a lot of problems.

The Takeaway 

Winding it up, I want you to know that it’s impossible to completely avoid the risks of cyber-attacks or hacking; however, if you keep taking the precautionary measures, you can successfully minimize those risks. Also, be sure to stay mindful when browsing the internet and don’t give out your personal information anywhere. 


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