This deepfake video of Elon Musk can fool anyone into crypto scam

Swindlers behind the latest malicious effort are duping victims by creating deepfaked versions of photographs and videos purporting to show the tycoon. In the past, several publications shown numerous deepfake AI models, each of which is capable of generating incredibly realistic pictures and photographs of famous people, including celebrities and other well-known people.

With these models of artificial intelligence, it is possible to make anybody seem like Tom Cruise or another celebrity. Today, a new hoax has been uncovered that purports to promote the Neuralink Crypto Token by exploiting the image of Elon Musk. According to the most recent article published by Forbes, con artists would use a phony account for CoinTelegraph to post a link on Twitter.

You could miss the fact that the link is truly broken since it directs you to “” rather than the right location, which is “,” if you are not paying attention to the important specifics of the connection.

As soon as you click on the link, you will be sent to a video that is a complete hoax that has Elon Musk promoting a false cryptocurrency that is branded with his name.

You can notice that the information that was created using deep learning seems to be quite genuine in the video. The voice of the tech Leader was able to be replicated in the film as well.

The impostor Elon Musk stated something to the effect of, “I’m here to tell you about the Neuralink crypto token, the cryptocurrency that will transform the world forever.”

The deepfaked version of Elon Musk continued by saying that this new digital currency token is a one-of-a-kind chance to make an investment in the rapidly developing brain-machine interfaces.

The film not only makes use of deepfaked images, but it also contains a fabricated version of the Wall Street Journal’s logo. Check out the following YouTube video if you would want to watch footage of the real fraud that was perpetrated.

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