Training Human Firewall Via VR: Interview With John Blackmon

In a groundbreaking move, ELB Learning and CyberCatch have introduced HackOps, an innovative cybersecurity training game aimed at revolutionizing the way corporations equip their teams against cyber threats.

In an exclusive interview with Augustin Kurian, editor-in-chief of The Cyber Express, John Blackmon, the Chief Technology Officer of ELB Learning, shed light on the game’s unique features and its potential to transform cybersecurity training paradigms.

Bridging Entertainment and Education

One of the most compelling aspects of HackOps is its immersive Virtual Reality (VR) experience, designed using ELB Learning’s own CenarioVR course authoring tool.

“The game combines the allure of movies and games into one interactive learning environment,” Blackmon explained.

It’s not just any training course; it’s a storytelling experience that absorbs learners into a world of ethical hacking, all while providing them with the critical skills to protect their corporate networks.

A Hands-On Approach to Cybersecurity

According to Blackmon, HackOps allows players to step into the shoes of undercover operatives who work to understand and foil cyber threats.

The game aims to educate on common Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) that cybercriminals employ to break into networks, steal data, and install ransomware.

Learning Outcomes:

The goal is to take the learner from being a ‘newbie hacker’ to someone who can identify threats, recognize vulnerabilities, and know how to act in the face of a real-world cyber attack,” Blackmon said.

Overcoming Boredom in Training

Traditional cybersecurity training has often been criticized for being tedious and unengaging, a perception that HackOps aims to dispel.

“We want to turn learning into something not just crucial but enjoyable,” Blackmon emphasized. The gamified elements and narrative drive of HackOps make the training less of a chore and more of an engrossing experience.

Looking Ahead

While HackOps is the first in what promises to be a series of next-generation cybersecurity awareness training games, the collaborative efforts of ELB Learning and CyberCatch have set a high bar. With its movie-like graphics, immersive VR interface, and practical, hands-on training modules, HackOps represents a quantum leap in cybersecurity training.

As cyber threats continue to evolve, so must the tools and training designed to counteract them. With its perfect blend of entertainment and educational value, HackOps looks set to redefine what it means to be “cyber aware” in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape.

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