Truesec Cyber Attack: Anonymous Sudan Targets Company

Truesec, a cybersecurity and IT infrastructure company headquartered in Stockholm might have become the latest target of a cyber attack by Anonymous Sudan.

The Truesec cyber attack is yet to be confirmed. The website was accessible at the time of writing.

Anonymous Sudan has been conducting denial-of-service attacks against several Swedish and Danish organizations and critical infrastructure under the tags #OpSweden and #OpDenmark since January 23, 2023.

In a tweet, @FalconFeedsio shared a screenshot of the Truesec website, which featured a “page isn’t working” message.

“Marcus Murray, can you fix your website?” read the text on the screenshot that concluded with a “Anonymous Sudan” hashtag. Marcus Murray is the founder of Truesec.

Why the Truesec Cyber Attack?

In February 2023, Truesec shared an in-depth report on Anonymous Sudan, clarifying that the threat actor has nothing to do with the online activists collectively known as Anonymous.

Instead, it was most likely created as part of a Russian information operation to harm and complicate Sweden’s NATO application.

The report, published on February 20, was a joint effort by Truesec, intelligence partner Baffin Bay Networks, and Microsoft.

The Cyber Express has reached out to Truesec to confirm whether the claims made by the hacker collective are indeed true. We are yet to receive a response from the company.

Anonymous Sudan not a part of “Anonymous.”

On the other hand, Anonymous is a loosely associated international collective of activists, hacktivists, and computer experts who use their skills to conduct online operations supporting various political causes.

Anonymous is known for using Guy Fawkes masks and its slogan, “We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.” 

The group originated on the imageboard 4chan in 2003 and has since carried out various online campaigns, including distributed denial of service attacks, doxing, and leaking sensitive information.

Some of their most well-known campaigns include Operation Payback, Operation Tunisia, and Operation Ferguson.

Truesec explains Anonymous Sudan

Truesec’s report on Anonymous Sudan sheds light on the group’s motives and activities.

The group claims to be a “hacktivists”, who began targeting Swedish and Danish organizations and infrastructure following an Islamophobic campaign by far-right journalist Rasmus Paludan, a dual Danish-Swedish national with a history of carrying out similar acts. 

Truesec cyber attack by Anonymous Sudan. if true, highlights the growing threat of politically motivated hacking and cyber attacks.

The attack underscores the importance of companies and organizations having robust cybersecurity measures to protect against such threats.

The incident also highlights the need for increased global cooperation and information sharing among countries to combat cybercrime and cyber attacks.

As cyber attacks become more frequent and sophisticated, individuals, companies, and governments must work together to protect against these threats.

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