Türk Hack Team Targets Austrian Parliament, Armed Forces

The Türk Hack Team has claimed to have launched a cyber attack on Austrian websites, including the Austrian Parliament, the Austrian Ministry of Justice, and the Austrian Armed Forces.

The Cyber Express reached out to the affected government websites, but no official statement or response has been received from the affected organizations at the time of writing

In a message posted on their dark web channels, Türk Hack Team stated that they are retaliating against Austria for something they believe the country has done.

The threat actor’s post ominously declares, “Austria knows the mistakes it has made,” implying that the cyber attack is motivated by perceived wrongdoing.

Türk Hack team launches cyber attack on Austrian websites

cyber attack on Austrian websites
Source: Twitter

Türk Hack team has launched a cyber attack on Austrian websites, which follows the group’s recent assault on Lockheed Martin Corporation, a renowned American arms, defense, and technology company.

The Cyber Express previously reported on the cyber attack, which led to significant disruptions on Lockheed Martin’s official website. Türk Hack Team, in a new post on their data leak site, claims responsibility for the breach, stating that Lockheed Martin was their intended target.

As a result of the cyber offensive, the Lockheedmartin.com website experienced prolonged periods of inaccessibility, as confirmed by three threat intelligence services consulted by The Cyber Express. 

The Türk Hack Team justifies its actions by asserting that they aim to expose the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of large corporations and government entities.

The threat actor’s post states, “By targeting large companies and government sites, we will show how weak and vulnerable they are,” suggesting their intent to challenge the invincibility of prominent organizations.

Who is the Türk Hack team?

Türk Hack Team is a well-known Turkish hacking group. They have been active in the cybersecurity community for several years and have gained attention for their various hacking activities.

The group has defaced websites, leaked sensitive information, and carried out distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.

Türk Hack Team primarily operates in Turkey but has also targeted international organizations and websites. Their actions often have political or ideological motivations and have been associated with hacktivist campaigns supporting Turkish nationalism or causes they deem important.

The threat has been reported to support Pro-Russian agendas and is involved in several Pro-Russian hacking campaigns, targeting nations, and states opposing Russia in the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine.

Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

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