Viavi Observer Sentry provides threat visibility into AWS environments

Viavi Solutions unveiled Observer Sentry, Software-as-a-Service-based Threat Exposure Management providing SecOps, DevOps, and cloud architects much-needed threat visibility into ever-changing AWS environments.

Viavi Observer Sentry

The 2023 State of the Network study from VIAVI revealed increases in enterprises’ dependence on the cloud, dissatisfaction with cloud visibility, and time spent on security issues. In an effort to continuously improve and expand service delivery and fully leverage technology advancements, cloud-based service delivery architectures are constantly evolving. Business and competitive pressures force many organizations to react quickly – frequently implementing changes as fast as possible.

Consequences include overly permissive cloud identities, third-party container applications with security vulnerabilities, and critical assets that are externally exposed. These widespread issues have resulted in dramatic growth in cloud exploitation cases and data breaches.

Observer Sentry identifies security exposures, analyzes the business impact, and helps prioritize remediation activities by discovering and combining internal attack paths with focused external attack surface scanning. Attack paths are the dangerous combination of exposure, exploitable network vulnerabilities and risky configurations that provide the paths of least resistance to high-value resources within the cloud environment.

Observer Sentry creates a detailed inventory of an enterprise’s cloud assets and then performs an analysis to determine their attack surface, exposure and risk. This analysis can also be applied collectively to logical groupings of assets that make up specific applications or workloads. These groupings can be tracked in risk scorecards and visualized in attack surface maps.

“The Observer family is trusted by organizations worldwide for its performance management and security forensics capabilities,” said Chris Labac, VP and GM, Network Performance and Threat Solutions, VIAVI. “Our work with these customers has revealed a critical need for threat exposure management to preemptively detect and prevent threats. Observer Sentry is a formidable addition to our portfolio, enabling SecOps, DevOps and cloud architects to see their AWS environments from potential attackers’ perspectives.”

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