Want help to fix your findings?

Want help improving your site’s security?
You have started to use Detectify, you have set up and scanned your site and received a full report with a list of identified vulnerabilities. So what now?

We understand that getting started on resolving those bugs can be overwhelming from time to time.

Have no fear, I is here!* 

We’re here to help! By leveraging Detectify’s consulting service, our security experts will dig deep into your report, validate the findings and help you get started with improving your site’s security.

* (By the way, that’s a quote from Hackers, one of our all-time favourite movies. We think you should watch it if you haven’t already.)


What you can expect

A Detectify security researcher will help you analyze your report to its smallest component in order to help you prioritize what’s most important. Your findings will be analyzed, validated and concrete remediation tips on your 5 most severe findings will be provided. When that’s done, you will receive a summary report of the conclusions. After you have had time to take a look at the remediation tips, a follow-up meeting with the researcher will be scheduled. Here you will be able to ask further questions about the findings and how to take the next step towards a more secure website.

Cost: €500

Let us help you go hack yourself! If you’re interested, click here to get in touch.

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