Wasabi Surveillance Cloud offloads surveillance footage from local storage directly to the cloud

Wasabi Technologies has introduced Wasabi Surveillance Cloud, a solution that enables organizations to offload video surveillance footage from their local storage environment directly to the cloud without ever running out of capacity.

This ‘bottomless’ approach to video storage is vital for the surveillance industry that is currently struggling to manage enormous amounts of video in high resolution environments, increasingly large file sizes, stringent regulatory and retention requirements, and business and analytics applications tied to surveillance.

IDC’s Video Surveillance Survey 2022 shows a growing number of enterprises expect their video surveillance storage requirements will increase over the next three years. However the cost of updating an existing technology stack to meet these new demands is simply prohibitive.

“Enterprises increasingly recognize the cost savings, agility, and video data accessibility that cloud storage provides, but they need a way to maintain the benefits of their existing technology stack as well,” said Mike Jude, research director, video surveillance & vision applications, IDC.

“It is essential that storage architecture meet the holistic requirements of modern surveillance in a way that is cost-effective,” Jude added.

Wasabi Surveillance Cloud addresses these challenges head on by creating a seamless hybrid storage environment that preserves current on-site technology investments and maximizes their ROI without sacrificing any of the benefits.

Users of every major video management system (VMS) can offload infrequently accessed video from their on-site servers directly to Wasabi hot cloud storage, which is much more affordable than cloud vendors like AWS S3, Google, or Microsoft Azure with no fees for egress or API requests.

The video data is kept ‘hot’ so it’s always available and retrievable within milliseconds. With Wasabi Surveillance Cloud, a once siloed VMS technology instantly becomes cloud-aware, providing a simple and seamless transition to utilizing cloud storage.

Key benefits of Wasabi Surveillance Cloud include:

  • Seamless integration with all major VMS providers
  • Protection with immutability to mitigate ransomware or accidental deletions
  • Restoration of video and data directly from the cloud
  • Ability to scale on-demand, avoiding costly server upgrades while increasing resolution and frame rate
  • Compliance with major industry and government regulations and retention requirements, including HIPAA, CJIS, FERPA, FINRA, and more
  • Deployed globally in top-tier data centers certified for SOC 2, ISO 27001 and PCI-DSS

“Many organizations make significant technology investments for video surveillance, but often the video and data storage architecture is put under immense pressure,” said David Boland, VP of cloud strategy, Wasabi Technologies.

“Wasabi Surveillance Cloud allows the industry to take advantage of the best of cloud and on-premises for a truly ‘bottomless storage’ solution that supports the exponential growth of video data,” Boland concluded.

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