We Need Quality Data Recovery in an Age ofIncreased Cyberattacks

A comprehensive cybersecurity strategy involves data recovery now more than ever. A solid plan could save organizations from the most uprooting cyberattacks, primarily ransomware.

The world’s governments are warning companies and individuals to keep their data connected as hackers become more militant and active and information flies around at breakneck speeds. How can professionals ensure safety in the workplace by having a robust data recovery strategy so no attack can thwart countless hours of work and dedication?

What Constitutes Quality Data Recovery?

Before cloud computing, most data was — and still is — stored on hardware, like external hard drives or in data centers. Though not all hardware connects to the internet, it doesn’t make it impervious to more classic compromises like theft or physical damage.

A possibility like that shouldn’t discount the validity of storing data on physical devices. However, in 2023, companies must supplement this technique with additional defensive and offensive recovery methods.

Additionally, companies need more than manual or legacy backups. Automated cloud backups are popular because they are current and permanently on-site. Traditional legacy backups cost time and resources, and companies can’t afford to waste either in a fast-paced, hostile digital space. Information could be lost to hackers if teams only update physical backups once a day or week because it’s not part of the data recovery process.

Every business is different. Its scale, workforce and data storage needs vary, so blanket storage solutions don’t suffice anymore. Successful data recovery needs to be personalized, accessible and inexpensive for companies to maintain. Otherwise, companies may as well delete the information themselves.

The principles of ransomware rarely change, but hackers develop with the changing times as much as cybersecurity analysts. Hackers rely on companies needing to update their data recovery strategy to make their ransomware attacks more likely to pan out.

What New Techniques Do Hackers Have to Steal Data?

Hackers that find out a company doesn’t have reliable and timely data storage could increase ransom prices, making the situation direr.

Quality data recovery will make a company resilient to traditional ransomware attacks and new forms appearing in the modern age. These variants intend to surprise established companies with their ingenuity, instilling greater fear of increased manipulation.

Businesses may become fearful as they become more unfamiliar with new ransomware strategies, causing distrust in storage systems entirely. However, it’s always best to have it in place to stand a chance against these modern renditions of the classic ransomware attack:

  • Double extortion: Hackers take data and encrypt it so owners cannot access it. Instead of paying to get the data back, hackers may ask a company to pay twice — once for the encryption key and another time for recovering what the hacker stole.
  • Data destruction: Most ransomware attackers aim to exfiltrate data from the source. However, some destroy it even if the company pays the ransom. Businesses lose money and their information.
  • In-house intimidation: Movie-style ransom letters have appeared in companies’ printers as a distraction to execute layered ransomware attacks — meshed with DDoS attacks.

Diversified ransomware tactics should only increase the need for dependable data recovery strategies and refining ideal recovery time objectives (RTOs).

What Are Modern Data Storage Solutions?

Storage solutions change daily as data centers adjust to meet environmental requirements while simultaneously dealing with an influx of information at high speeds. Relying on one method is antiquated, so businesses must research new storage solutions and consider using multiple ones to create a layered strategy with numerous entry points.

Immutable Storage
Although it isn’t a total solution, data in immutable storage cannot be tampered with by anyone after organizations transfer it. People cannot accidentally delete or move it, but information moved to immutable storage cannot go over unchecked. Hackers that have already infiltrated systems and installed malware or other malicious influences will jeopardize the repository.

Multi-Cloud Storage
Finding cloud providers to store data has an additional benefit in the form of protection. Some companies have recovery and defenses as part of their plan package, and businesses should take advantage of this. Multiple cloud storage providers increase visibility and resilience.

Edge Networking
Instead of relying on solutions seemingly far away from business sources, like the cloud, companies may look into storing data in closer-to-home pieces of tech, like IoT-connected devices. Diversification of storage requires hackers to develop multiple methods to break into different kinds of technology.

Entry-Level Flash Storage
Flash storage is a rudimentary option, but it’s inexpensive and versatile for many companies. It has multiple advantages over hard disk memory, including increased connectivity, speed and accessibility. It reduces storage burdens and costs for companies by having a cloud-connected, efficient system that supports multiple protocols.

What Are the Repercussions of Poor Data Recovery?

Cyberattacks are inevitable in today’s digital climate. Organizations that conceptualize this can adjust their budgets and time investment to ensure they don’t become compromised and employees stay safe. Relying on one storage solution isn’t sustainable, as hardware and data can be corrupted and damaged over time from countless influences.

Too many businesses have already been victims of cybercriminal activity with no data recovery solution, and others can learn from their mistakes. Here are some possible side effects of not engaging in data recovery:

  • Loss of insurance or rate increases
  • Damaging press for the business’s sector
  • Spread of misinformation
  • Decreased reputation and customer trust
  • Lawsuits or criminal action

Even more consequences arise as new brands of hacking enter the scene, like hacktivism. Manual data transfers could take days, and most analysts needing to go on the offensive for remediation can’t wait for the process to finish.

Cybersecurity Means Having a Data Recovery Strategy

In 2023, data recovery should become a top priority in risk management plans. Business continuity and reputation depend on creating defense strategies. However, everyone should assume they are at risk and plan to come back from an attack. Data recovery expects the worst to help prepare businesses with the greatest forethought. Go into the year with appropriate expectations and solidified plans for championing potential attacks.

Emily Newton is a technology journalist with over six years in the industry. She is also the Editor-in-Chief of Revolutionized, an online magazine exploring the latest innovations.

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