Why agencies should work with security (Part 1)

Why it’s time for agencies to start working with security

The main reason to add security to your offer is not that you will make more money, but because it is best for your clients. By adding security to your services, you will stay relevant and increase customer loyalty while increasing revenues.

Few agencies talk about security and even fewer are working with it in a structured way. Security can help you build longterm relationships with your clients, make more money and get ahead of your competitors. We know that explaining security to clients can be a challenge, which is why we have gathered convincing arguments that you can use as a starting point in customer dialogues.

Your existing clients might assume that you are already continuously working with security because of new legal guidelines, like the General Data Protection Regulation, that require businesses to focus on preventive measures. Potential clients will want to know whether your code is secure and what your security routines look like. Take this opportunity to tackle security and show that you are aware of your clients’ wishes!

Why security matters to your clients


Having a functional website that end customers trust is crucial for your clients and businesses like e-commerce stores depend on their online presence. This is not new to you as you already help your clients bring in organic search traffic and optimize conversion, but now it’s time to secure their websites and protect them and their customers’ sensitive data.

A security breach can take a toll on brand reputation as well as revenue and recovering from the badwill it creates is a key challenge. You have your clients’ trust – use it to keep their users’ data safe!

Brand reputation

Delivering vulnerable websites puts your agency’s reputation at risk; if your client’s website is hacked, the damage done to their brand can be immense. New vulnerabilities are discovered every day and 90% of websites have critical vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers. Instead of helping your clients regain their customers’ trust after a security breach, you can be an early adopter and encourage them to work proactively with security.

As an agency, you don’t want to be left behind. What happens if new customers request proof of your internal security skillset? What if your client were to find security monitoring tools on their own and initiated the dialogue? Wouldn’t you prefer to be the one who leads the security discussion?

What would Google do

Google accounts for 64% of the search market and is leading the development of search technology. It is no secret that Google is beginning to put security first – why should you lag behind? Here’s just a couple of measures Google has taken to make security more transparent and central to the customer experience:

Over the last couple of years, SEO and mobile have become the norm and security is up next. Google already gives a ranking bonus to websites with encrypted connections, but this is just the beginning. Shifting to a security- oriented mindset now means you and your clients will be ahead of the game as security awareness grows.

The evolution of digital marketing

Site speed, design, conversion rate optimization… These trends have gone from buzzwords to being an expected part of an agency’s service mix. If you are, or aiming to become a full-service agency, adding security to your offer is the next step – which will work as a great pitch for prospective clients and improve customer loyalty with your existing clients.

Read the second part of this blog series for agencies, we  explain what Detectify can do for you and what our agency clients are saying about us. 

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