Why cybersecurity is a blue-collar job

Cybersecurity has witnessed exponential growth in recent years, fueled by the increasing sophistication of cyber threats. As the demand for skilled professionals continues to surge, traditional approaches to education and job requirements are being challenged.

In this article, I will explore the paradigm shift in the cybersecurity industry toward embracing practical expertise and hands-on experience over a formal college degree. I will examine the reasons behind this shift and its benefits for aspiring cybersecurity professionals and organizations seeking skilled talent.

High school-level approach and readiness of college graduates

When engaging with high school and collegiate-level students interested in cybersecurity, it is important to focus on their career goals and aspirations within the field. With more than 20 possible career options, emphasizing the development of technical skills rather than immediate management aspirations can help guide their educational path. Alternative education options, such as vocational-technical schooling, offer practical and cost-effective pathways that align directly with job experience.

Programs like CyberPatriot provide meaningful opportunities to connect with high school students interested in cybersecurity, allowing for mentorship and guidance at an early stage. Unfortunately, the current education system often pushes students toward a collegiate environment without exposing them to vocational education paths that can be completed in less time and at a lower cost.

For students with a clear interest in specific cybersecurity verticals, industry-relevant certification paths can be viable alternatives to traditional college routes. Specialized certifications like OSCP, SOC Analyst Training, and GIAC cater to the specific interests of students, allowing them to tailor their educational and certification paths accordingly.

For students aspiring for managerial or executive leadership roles, soft skills such as communication and effective writing become crucial, making certain collegiate-level courses more relevant. However, if the student’s aspirations are not in management within their first 5-10 years in the industry, finding an employer willing to provide continual education or obtaining a relevant certification post-employment can serve as an alternative to a college degree.

The importance of proper training processes and mentorship programs

In an industry characterized by specialization, it is essential for organizations to be concise and clear about the specific job requirements. Not to say they ever were, but the days of expecting candidates to possess a wide range of skills, such as network security experience, system security administration, application design, and forensics are no longer realistic.

Employers have a responsibility to provide training and mentorship for newcomers entering the industry. Recognizing the need for close management or mentoring is crucial to supporting their growth. Guide employees toward relevant training tracks and certifications, including vendor-specific training on technologies.

While many people have a general idea of what roles like penetration testers or security researchers entail, they soon realize that technical delivery represents only a fraction of the job. The remaining aspects, such as documentation, accounting, and constant client communication, are the real responsibilities that require attention. These soft skills play a significant role in the industry, and programs like public speaking through Toastmasters or writing classes can help professionals develop these essential abilities.

Out-of-the-box ways to identify skilled cybersecurity talent

To expand the talent pool, the cybersecurity industry should explore unconventional avenues to identify skilled individuals. Gamers, for example, often exhibit problem-solving skills and curiosity, traits that align with cybersecurity work. Engaging with gaming communities and academic circles can lead to discovering individuals with a natural inclination toward cybersecurity.

Additionally, networking with content creators can be a unique way to find talented security researchers and security analysts. Challenging these creative problem solvers to break products and extract information taps into their innovative mindset and can unveil potential cybersecurity talent. This unconventional networking strategy taps into the mindset of creative problem solvers and can unveil talented individuals who think outside the box.

Key qualifications to look for in an applicant

The industry must prioritize soft skills and communication abilities when evaluating potential cybersecurity candidates. While technical skills can be trained, effective communication and strategic insights are vital in selling technical expertise and solutions.

Expecting candidates to possess a wide range of skills without providing proper training and mentorship is a common mistake. Proper budget allocation and staffing size are essential to support cybersecurity teams effectively. Involving the hiring manager in crafting job descriptions and qualifications ensures clarity in what the organization seeks in an applicant.

By shifting our focus toward practical skills and hands-on experience, we can recognize the accessibility of coding, engineering, and cybersecurity training beyond the confines of traditional college degrees.

Embracing vocational-technical schooling and leveraging resources like the SANS Institute opens doors for aspiring cybersecurity professionals to acquire marketable skills in a shorter timeframe. This approach not only expands the talent pool but also ensures that individuals from diverse backgrounds and educational paths can contribute to the cybersecurity industry’s growth.

By embracing these alternative pathways, we can create a more inclusive and adaptable cybersecurity workforce that is prepared to take on the evolving challenges facing our industry.

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