5 free online cybersecurity resources for small businesses

As cyberattacks increase in frequency and sophistication, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) become more vulnerable to cyber threats. Unlike larger enterprises, SMBs often lack the financial and technical resources to secure their networks and data against malicious actors effectively. With limited budgets and IT staff, many small companies are forced to make difficult decisions about where to allocate their resources.

Fortunately, several free online cybersecurity resources can help small businesses protect themselves from cyber attacks. This article will explore five free resources that small companies can leverage to improve their cybersecurity posture without breaking the bank.

Cyber action plan

You can obtain a customized action plan for free by answering a few straightforward questions. The plan will highlight the immediate steps you or your organization can take to safeguard against cyber attacks. This service is provided by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), which is part of the Government’s Communication Headquarters (GCHQ).

small business free cybersecurity

Cyber Readiness Program

The Cyber Readiness Program is a free resource that helps small and medium-sized enterprises become cyber-ready, improving their resilience to cyber threats. By completing the program, you can develop and implement cyber readiness policies throughout the organization, using checklists, templates, and training materials to engage the workforce and build a stronger cybersecurity posture.

small business free cybersecurity

Exercise in a Box

With Exercise in a Box, users can be guided through cybersecurity drills that cover all aspects of planning, setup, and delivery for their organization. Additionally, the platform offers a post-activity report feature that enables users to capture any discoveries made during the exercise and utilize these insights to implement meaningful changes to their cybersecurity measures. The platform is provided by the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC).

small business free cybersecurity

Phishing bingo

Cybersecurity education doesn’t have to be dull and complicated. Here’s a fun, simple option suitable for every member of a small organization. The Canadian government provides a bingo card that showcases some of the most commonly used phishing tactics, enabling users to familiarize themselves with the telltale signs of phishing.

small business free cybersecurity

Internet hygiene portal

The Cyber Security Agency of Singapore offers a simple cyber health lookup tool to scan your domain or email address. The provided report shows is your website connection and web domain are sufficiently secured. The web features a clean design, and a PDF report is also available.

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