Cyber Infrastructure Security Centre restructured – Strategy – Security

The government’s Cyber Infrastructure Security Centre ended 2022 with an organisational and executive restructure.

CISC head Hamish Hansford wrote in the organisation’s January newsletter [pdf] that the restructure is designed to support a “dual mandate” of improving the security and resilience of critical infrastructure, and improving the CISC’s “support, guidance and engagement” with its stakeholders.

“We completed an internal restructure late last year – streamlining our functions into two divisions: the partnerships, planning and cyber response division, and the security regulation division”, Hansford wrote.

“Having come together in late 2021 as a centre, and setting the foundations for success across 2022, I am confident 2023 will be the year CISC hits its stride as a mature partner and best practice regulator.”

iTnews understands the restructure was formalised on December 1 last year.

A Department of Home Affairs spokesperson told iTnews the restructure is designed to “streamline operations and to give owners and operators greater confidence and clarity when they engage with us.:”

“With this new structure, CISC can better delineate national partnerships, planning and cyber response functions, alongside regulatory functions,” the spokesperson added,

Under the restructure, three members of the executive have left:

  • Lib Clark, formerly assistant secretary, industry partnerships, has left. Her role, now held by Emily Grant, is also now titled assistant secretary, industry partnerships branch in the partnerships, planning and cyber response division.
  • Britt Walker, formerly assistant secretary, risk assessment and modelling, and Sarah Warner, formerly acting assistant secretary, security risk branch, are no longer with the CISC.

In other movements, Sam Grunhard, deputy group manager of cyber and infrastructure security centre, now has added responsibility as first assistant secretary of the security regulation division.

In addition, Michael Burke, senior assistant secretary of the partnerships, policy and capability division, has had his role upgraded to deputy group manager and first assistant secretary, partnerships, planning and cyber.

Finally, Joe Smith, senior director for implementation, crisis response and recovery, has been upgraded to assistant secretary, cyber security response coordination unit in the partnerships, planning and cyber response division.

iTnews understands Smith’s role will be to collaborate with entities such as the National Emergency Management Agency and the Australian Cyber Security Centre, to support the National Coordination Mechanism and provide a technical advice and advisory function on cyber matters.

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