HOYTS brings Cisco, Optus into digital transformation – Networking – Telco/ISP

HOYTS has deployed Cisco hardware and Optus services across its Australian and New Zealand operations as part of a digital transformation.

Image credit: HOYTS

The cinema operator said it has put in a Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN solution, “with dual Optus and NBN fibre plus Optus 4G backup as well as redundant hardware for added resiliency.”

It is also using Cisco Umbrella cloud security for 24×7 vulnerability assessment and response.   

In addition to SD-WAN connectivity, Optus “led the domiciling of data centres”, HOYTS and Optus said in a joint statement.

“Optus is at the core of every dollar we make at HOYTS,” group IT director Adam Wrightson said.

“There is not a single interaction that HOYTS has – with staff or customers – that doesn’t rely on Optus infrastructure.” 

HOYTS said that three out of every four transactions are now self-serve, either online or using digital kiosks in the foyers of its sites.

Optus services are also used at HOYTS Group’s advertising arm, Val Morgan.

Its 10,000-plus outdoor advertising displays – in shopping centres, on petrol bowsers and in the foyers of office buildings – are underpinned by Optus infrastructure, including the telco’s IoTFlex service.

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