First responders, including emergency services workers, are under enormous pressure to make informed decisions to ensure safety and minimise the human cost of catastrophic events. This makes access to real-time data and insights a key priority for workers and management teams. Particularly in law enforcement the message I’ve heard is clear – In an ever changing policing environment speed and accuracy of data is vital to provide situational awareness to the frontline who protect the community.
To support this requirement, first responders rely increasingly on mobile devices and apps. However, until now, monitoring the health and connectivity of these devices and apps has been piecemeal and reactive. Resolving this is especially important in dispersed and challenging environments to enable seamless collaboration during critical moments.
At Riverbed, we can help your organisation overcome this challenge. We are extending our Aternity AI-powered end user monitoring solution to mobile devices running iOS or Android operating systems through our new solution, Aternity Mobile.
By doing this, we ensure first responders–and workers in industries such as mining that require remote working in arduous conditions–have the data they need at their fingertips, with IT teams able to respond quickly to any device, application or network issue. This approach not only improves the efficiency and productivity of frontline workers but also reduces administrative burdens, enabling them to focus on the most crucial tasks at hand.
Capturing 150 metrics to enable proactive issue resolution
Aternity Mobile captures more than 150 metrics on mobile device health, application and network performance, meaning the IT teams who support first responders and remote teams can proactively resolve issues across the fleet. This performance data is gathered across Android and iOS for multiple device vendors, including rugged mobile devices and free-standing mobile kiosks.
With this solution, IT teams can extend monitoring across hardware and battery health, device configuration and network connection. They can drill down into individual devices to address specific issues impacting workers’ performance, with the ability to analyse health metrics ranging from storage, RAM, CPU, battery strength and drain rate. It also provides telemetry on signal strength and health of WiFi and mobile networks used by the worker.
The solution enables corporate mobile network owners to monitor coverage to identify black spots and performance issues, allowing them to resolve problems that impact application performance and users’ digital experiences. While all customers want to reduce mean time to resolve, in the mobile space this extends to mean time to identify, with the aim of knowing about incidents before they are even reported.
Working on issues before workers experience them
Mean Time to Know(or Identify) is a key metric for IT teams to get onto the front foot to communicate about incidents and assure management and impacted team members they are already working on a fix. This helps build trust in IT’s ability to meet business requirements and achieve its corporate objectives.
Aternity’s capabilities ensure first responders and their organisations can rely on issued devices with confidence during critical events, enabling them to focus on saving lives and minimising damage. For mine workers and their organisations, effective mobile monitoring improves safety and minimises potentially expensive disruptions to productivity.
With Aternity Mobile, businesses can extend the same proactive digital experience monitoring available for the desktop to their mobile fleets. This minimises disruption and ensures first responders, mining company teams and other field workers can access the data and insights they need to manage often difficult situations effectively.
Aternity Mobile is available as a module in the Riverbed platform.