The Department of Justice Queensland is hiring a new chief information officer as it explores new technology opportunities.
The department said the CIO will be tasked with “developing, implementing and monitoring [its] ICT strategy” over a five-year contract.
They will also be responsible for “promoting” the opportunities of new technologies, including the “feasibility of change and its likely impact upon the business”.
The hiring comes amid “increasing public expectation for justice services and access to digital service options and experiences”, according to the department.
In a statement to iTnews, a Department of Justice Queensland spokesperson said: “The CIO will provide vision and leadership across the department’s information technology, digital, cyber security and information management strategies, ensuring alignment with organisational strategies.
“The [CIO] will be responsible for developing, implementing and monitoring the department’s ICT strategy, policies and practices to ensure the effective and efficient management of information and communication services.”
Other responsibilities include overseeing “major” projects, the development and ongoing maintenance of the ICT architecture, as well as managing its asset replacement program.